Friday, June 1, 2007

Why I hate people (reason #346)

Being a KB-vulture isn't exclusive to the rogue class. All classes have their talentless, no skill asshats. However, stealth and sprint makes it a bit easier for a rogue or feral druid to do it than some other classes.

I have literally had rogues and druids burn a sprint just so they could have that chance at an oh-so-important KB, heh. They are literally the bane of my existence and I hate them with a #@$ing passion. They have ruined so many good clips out of their pointless need to be at the top of the killboard it makes me want to rip their heads off IRL.

Just kidding... of course.

For the HQ version: hate.wmv

For those not wanting to d/l the HQ version, that is my L67 shadow priest against this warlock: Nicsnock

That same druid did that to me twice in a row. The other fight was a 70 mage. In fact, the whole day so far has had fights ruined by druids and hunters. No rogues though!


Unknown said...

You were obviously in need of an assist there...

BobbyTSkizoke said...

You look pretty hot. A/S/L?

Pity said...

What is the first song on "The Beast" if someone could tell me please.

Raggok said...

Free Tyson Free by The Holy Gang (a side project of Richard 23 from Front242)

Jesse P said...

Shadowsteppin' vultures should be kneecapped and left for the gnomes.