Monday, May 21, 2007

Oozo Lives (Background and Build)

I spent a lot of time considering how I should present my next movie. I've always tried to do my movies as a mix of entertainment, humor, and education. However, these days everyone pretty much knows all there is about being a rogue. People seem to want entertainment and humor now more than a movie that tries to tell you how to beat the different classes.

With that in mind I decided to crop my UI out of most of this movie to free me up to do more effects (such as altering the graphics to give it more of a comicbook look). That's not really something you can get away with the UI still cluttering the screen. It's not as flashy or polished as something like Kenion's or Tosan's work since I'm still learning to do different things. My goal is to improve my editting skill with a series of movies over the summer to teach myself how to get the most out of my copy of Adobe Premiere Elements.

The footage in this movie actually stretches over two months. There are a few clips from a few months ago when I was combat. Shortly after I took those clips things got very busy for me at work and I also fell very ill for a couple of weeks requiring a weekend visit to the hospital. When I got better, I found that I had not missed playing WoW at all and went to check out the LoTRO beta.

That game held me for a few weeks, but pretty graphics only gets you so far and the people who I game with became disinterested in it.

So, I'm back to playing WoW again. I decided to finish up the movie I had started before taking my near two month break, but I needed a build a bit more fun to play than combat. Since my best weapon is the Drakefist hammer that left me with a clear choice of going back to a hemo build.

For me the most entertaining fights to watch are the ones where both opponents get their shots in. Where both sides get a chance to attack and counter. This is why I have purposefully chosen builds that lack burst power for the past two years (except for a stint with mutilate). I did the "big crit" stuff with my dwarf rogue two years ago. Yes, two-shotting cloth and leather and three-shotting mail was fun back then (when MC gear was l33t) but in the end I found the clips to be boring and one-sided.

In summation, if you are looking for a movie with "big crits," then my movies are not what you are looking for.

My stats and build for most of this movie are as follows:

This is what I would like to call a "zero-burst" premed/hemo build with added survivability provided by improved sprint and cheat death. Now, I'm not going to lie. With my low HP, resilience, and lack of dependable burst damage 1v2s were extremely difficult to pull off. I typically killed one and then died to the second in 1v2s.

We've taken a lot of hits in the CC department. Prep doesn't work for blind, we can't reliably vanish/sap anymore as opponents seem to get stuck in combat longer than we do. Changes have been made to intentionally decrease our chances of pulling off 1vNs. The devs have watched too many Happyminti movies maybe.

The good news is that due to the PvP I did to make this movie I've been able to upgrade my gear for PvP significantly. 700 more HP and 50 or so resilience is making a huge difference in survivability. I expect I will be winning more 1v2s with 1K more HP or so. Most of this movie will be true 1v1s or 1vNs where I take down a single target before dying or retreating.

Hopefully, I was able to make up for a lack of 1v2s by finding some decent 1v1 opponents. Which is the topic of a future post.


FornicateTheState said...

I have a Blind macro that allows you to roll your mouse over who you want to blind without losing your target. If you're interested get intouch with me

:] I'll be waiting for a reply.

Unknown said...

How about just posting that macro here?

Raggok said...

Hey, must have missed this. I know the macro, but I've just been too lazy to set it up. :)