Some people have surmised that I named myself after a russian alcoholic beverage. That is not the case. What I like to tell people is that I named myself after my RL girlfriend, Oozo. But, people generally don't buy that. Truth is that I stole this name from an EQ friend who had an ogre warrior named Oozo Slobberfist.

Now, before you go and call me a name-thief, let me tell you; he had it coming to him. My friends stole most of my old EQ names in DAoC and WoW and it was time for some payback. Little did I know that it would be by this name (not even my own) that I would end up being best known as.
Oh irony, how dost thou stabbeth thee...
The purpose of this blog will be for me to have a place to offer my musings on PvP, give background for movies I make, and talk about whatever MMORPGs I happen to be playing or looking forward to.
I'm shocked and saddened that you stole yet another of our fine names. The real effect of this malicious effort on your that by not creating a new name, I will not be able to steal it in the next game!
I've always like Ashendai...
ou·zo (ū'zō)
n., pl. -zos.
A colorless, unsweetened Greek liqueur flavored with anise.
The Ooze gets my vote for one of the more 'outside the box' rogues. I dig the non-cookie cutter build and I keep a pair of druid healing shoulders in my bags for occasional mostly-naked world PvP in your honor.
Rock out with yourself.
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