I'm back at work now, and most of my friends have either left WoW completely or are cutting down online time to take care of real life projects. Things are definitely in a slump and ATM I am in solo mode. I have no interest in forming an arena team with a bunch of people I don't really know for the same reasons that I never do PvE dungeons with a PUG.
When it comes right down to it. I don't trust people very much. Well, not most of them anyway. ;)
Mortale said in a recent discussion on the rogue forums that social skill is now a part of pvp skill, and you know... I laughed. But, when you think about it the statement is very insightful and correct. Having good connections and knowing the right people will take you farther in the current system than individual skill ever will.
One of my problems is that I've always treasured independence. I have no problem helping other people complete a task or some goal, BUT... I absolutely HATE asking for help and recieving help makes me feel uncomfortable. The only people I feel comfortable asking for help are my good friends. I would never ask someone I don't know well for help. Never.
So, what do I do when most of my friends are gone? Hrm, I've been struggling with that one for a bit myself. I messed around with Tabula Rasa for a few weeks, and I don't regret it. It was a fun game, particularly the instances. Very fast paced PvE combat with a FPS type of feel to it. However, I don't think it will serve as a good platform for PvP so it's lifespan was short with me. I'm still looking for my Warhammer invite. We know one person so far who has been invited. Hopefully more of us will be invited sooner rather than later.
So, what have I ended up deciding to do to pass time? I'm playing Chromed in the 60-69 bracket as a mutilate build and having fun. The 60-69 bracket reminds me of oldschool PvP that isn't corrupted by ridiculous resilience values and gear imbalance. I've never played this game with a gear advantage, ever. I've always been behind the curve and I've shown that the curve can be beaten (at least in the past). But, I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting people with better gear than me. Just, so damn tired of it. It takes me a hell of a lot more effort to kill someone than it takes them to kill me. And even then, the fights are just often long and boring. So long in many cases that a rogue is forced to use every single tool at their disposal just to win... one... fight. And that sucks.
So, I'm just going to stay in the 60-69 BG until my Warhammer invite arrives and gear myself as best I can with my limited resources (me). From time to time I'll release some clips just to remind people of what it was that once made playing a rogue fun.
Here is the first of such clips. It's just a small collection of a few uneditted straight forward clips. The song is "Insect" by Die Warzau.
The file is only around 80 MB, I'd suggest the full download over the stream.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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Pretty cool. I can relate to everything you say, though it's not so much that I don't trust other players as much as I don't trust them to not waste my time.
I've got hardly any instance drop gear because it's damn hard to find a successful PUG group. When it's happened it's almost always members of larger raiding guilds that are just trying to up their rep or kill time. When it's a "true" PUG it tends to end in disaster because good healers and good tanks have better things to do that PUG 5-mans.
I keep odd PST hours on an EST server so maintaining good standing in a reputable guild would be next to impossible, though I've been invited. So, pretty much every piece of gear I've got I ground out solo. I haven't done Arena yet because, again, it requires at least one partner to put as much importance on doing well as I do and so far the two likeliest candidates are a raiding rogue that refuses to respec from 15-41-5 to PvP and a Mutilate rogue that tends to be, um, "random" with his talent points and all too often gets caught going face-to-face spamming SS.
At least S1 Arena gear will soon be available for honor.
I understand what you say, but by staying in 60-69 BG's you cut yourself from finding one or two trustable partners and go do arena. 5v5 is not as much fun as 2v2 or 3v3 and in those 2 brackets rogues are pretty good.
Playing with friends is important, but there are other skilled, normal, persons out there as well who you can still have a good time with in arena (or bg's) and even be competititve with.
Gogogo, find that restodruid friend and enjoy arena to the fullest. Playing only solo will end up in terminating your subscription.
-- Zhero
PS: liked the vid!
nice to hear you're still around.
i couldn't handle another run up the leveling ladder (4th) with my spriest so i spec'd my shaman resto and found a t4 level raiding guild that would take me. first time ever for me (i went to MC about once preBC).
turns out, they are cool people. we have 3 KZ groups this week and my group did every boss but illhoof tonight. it's interesting being "needed" by an actual guild. totally new experience.
basically, my point is, this is a completely new avenue of the game for me even though i've played since open beta. might be something for you to give a go at, shadow priests are my best friend as a resto shaman.
Hahah nice article, good to see the undead back in action! I've pretty much quit as well...enhancement shaman and troll rogue just wasn't fun anymore...And I don't want to level up again...I shoulda stayed 60-69 That might of been a blast...O well...im mess with Fury,Rumble Fighter..and soon Helgate London(and Halo 3) until WAR comes out or I get into the beta..I liked the song in the clip..keep em coming!
Oozo Im not sure if your going to like Warhammer "a little bird" told me that combat is very team focused...now you can be successful alone...however 2v1s on a regular basis...are very unlikey unless you have a terrian advatange
Actually, I really like the goal-oriented battlegrounds. I very much enjoy playing WSG with friends. It's just not something that I record for movies. Because winning BGs often times has little to with actually killing people. :)
Warhammer is going to have dozens of WSG-like goal-oriented battlegrounds from my understanding. That's one of the things I'm looking forward too. I'm not ALL about solo PvP, I'm actually a pretty good team player as well and I typically take the leadership role.
--it's interesting being "needed" by an actual guild. totally new experience--
Cool. Yeah, the guild thing can be a lot of fun with good leaders. Did a lot of that in EQ. I'd kind of like to get that kind of thing going again, even with all the negatives that come attached.
Yeah one example is "skaven" caverns...were bridges become unpassable as you capture the flag to make it harder for that team to capture again...its really fun etc.
Sadly theres limits to what people can dicuss...I hope you get in!
Yeah, yeah !
That's what i'm talking about ! Oozo back to Rogue Team ! I feared we lost you to the SPriest team :)
Yeah man, go medieval on their arses, i hate resilience, i hate arena, i hate all that grind, screw all that, bring the fun back !
Oozo mate, i hope you make full video with Chromed and release it, for the sake of the good ol' days. I'm sick of "full gladiator combat maces spec rogue" movies.. you just might be that breath of fresh air !
"Oozo mate, i hope you make full video with Chromed and release it, for the sake of the good ol' days."
Thanks, I'm working on it now - gathering clips. My intention will be to entertain and add some humor in the ICOBN fashion. There are some things/scenes I want to do, but the work to get it done is quite daunting.
WTB updates etc.
Maybe he got his beta invite... (nah we would find that out instantly :D)
I feel everything you are saying - wow is in the decline in general - hopefully 2.3 will pick this up :)
samownall wow blog
Hey Ozoo, it's Kayden from Warsong/Wildhammer. I ran into you once in AV and I'm happy to report your gank attempt failed. ^_^
Anyways, I've been a long time fan of your movies. Always a blast to watch.
Some of are buying Fury (unleashthefury.com) this week. It's an all PvP FPS MMO. Looks promising and I'd encourage anyone who's serious about pvp pick it up. Hope to see you around.
Oozo Is dead!
I'm not dead. A bunch of my old friends have got back together, but in order to do it I have to play alliance. So, I've been busy levelling and doing factionwork when I'm off from work.
I have a movie, I'd say it's about 95% done. Pretty straightforward. Not a lot of editting. It's L66-68 with 1v2s against people in my level range and 1v1s against L70s, many of whom are in some arena gear.
Just not sure I want to put up with all the bullshit.
Just good to read you're still here :D (too many people quitting for my taste)
Meh Really its for fun....people will BS the video..but meh people would bs ANYTHING you made...so just throw it out there imo
Alliance Ozoo? I am equal parts scared and intrigued. I'm assuming that you will end up being on a different server / server group?
Hi Oozo - I've been trying to find some "classic" pvp videos since a HD format, and I've specifically been after two by you, number 4 and 5 in your first series (pre-TBC, using AH gear and Mass of Mcgowan, mostly filmed in AB. Number 5 was the one with 'Sundown' by The Overlords as the music track.)
I've checked filefront, warcraft movies, google video, all the usual places, but had no luck finding them. Do you know if they are still linked anywhere? Would love to see them again.
Zend/Winstons (formerly of Arathor, EU)
None of that old stuff in online anymore. I still have everything locally except the one with Sundown. The original file got corrupted. :(
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