Saturday, August 11, 2007

This Just In...

I still suck.


I'm in the process of building a new UI. I decided to knock the dust off of Oozo and play him for the first time in over three months just to see how the UI was working for a rogue. Things went pretty well, except for the 3.5K mortal strike from a warrior with berserker buff. I killed a couple of mid-teir warriors with Ming's brand new Ultimate Rushdown Garrotte Strategy (MURGS). I mean, it seems like the same exact thing I was doing towards the beginning of the year but I guess it's different somehow. It's kind of funny, a lot of warriors just react very badly to that opener. They still aren't used to seeing it I guess. Well, maybe now that Ming has finally revealed MURGS other rogues will start picking it up. Ming beat Dahis up pretty badly with it supposedly. Echelons has just released a movie featuring duels using MURGS with a combat twist. Man, I wish I could have thought of this months ago when I was still playing a rogue.


Unknown said...

Omg Oozo, you suck!


Venick said...

Combat spec is a pure warrior smashing powerhouse. I say this because its designed and usually used as an in-your-face intent. Watching a video of some rogue performing it is nothing special in my mind, especially the usage of evasion, however important it may be.

Raeli said...

Wait, garrote rupture rushdown is special? I've been doing that since I was SF hemo with GM's Right Claw.

Bleed Rogues have always been around and they've always been effective:

It's sad now that the main stream is just NOW picking up on it.

Raggok said...

It's definitely more challenging taking down a warrior with a dagger build, that is for sure. And dagger builds are always going to be much more fun to watch. :)

The nice thing about a sub DoT build is that the more points you are willing to dump into the sub tree the more those DoTs are going to hurt. It scales nicely with AP.

Raeli, I guess most rogues just didn't or don't feel that DoTs are effective in the Arena. However, I feel with the right type of team and with the rogue playing the role of the disrupter rather than main DPS it can work. DoTs are fire and forget and allow for more fluid target changes, IMO.

Coordinate your DoTs with someone like a SP or Warlock and it could go pretty well.

B.R. Brainerd said...

Wha'cha talkin bout fool? You played well.

WHA73V3R said...

Less blogging, more logging on plz.

Venick said...

To Raeli:

I knew about the approach also but I never used it. I don't like rushdown style but its even more essiental today than ever.

Unknown said...

winning at 20% = winning handily for Ming, I wouldn't call it being beaten badly... double Evasion/Sprint/Vanish is tough to deal with though.

Unknown said...


Raggok said...

Sorry, I was following Ming's account who sometimes has the tendency to overstate things. :P