I gave this movie 4.8/5 as I thought it was very entertaining. The opening sequence was well done. The music is pretty safe and nonabrasive. The editting and effects are nice and not overdone. Much of this movie has the gladiator-rated Seksi doing 1v2s and 1v3s. Some of the opponents are poorly geared relative to Seksi, but there are some rival-rated opponents in there to spice things up. Once again, overall... this is a solid movie well worth watching.
But, you know me. I don't post about anything unless I'm bitching about something... and sure enough, here it comes. The people (and people, in general) at WCM are morons who can't see what is even clearly placed square in front of them to see. Here are some quotes from the reviews and my reply to those quotes:
"This is definet the best priest movie ever." - hellmaker
It's definitely the best priest movie made where the belt of nigh invulnerability is used over 12 times in the same movie.
"I feel that you truly understand the defensive powerhouse nature of the Shadow Priest class" - Gankt
Yes, the shadowpriest class becomes a defensive POWERHOUSE when utilizing the class ability "belt of nigh invulnerability." Wait.. is that a priest ability? Ah, well... Seksi truly understands the belt of nigh invulnerability, that's for sure.
"the spriest class has become crazy powerful in TBC" - brassmonkey1622
Crazy powerful when using the belt of nigh invulnerability, the battle standard, and healing/mana pots all in the same fight against outgeared opponents. Hell yah, shadowpriests totally rock in that situation. Clearly this calls for a shadowpriest nerf!
And here it comes...
"priests should be nerfed HARD for being able to take so much focus fire without dieing. i cant survive 1/2 of that as a destrolock. imba video and tell us your survival secrets" - nobiteWell moron, if you had bothered to look at the combat log you would see that one of the secrets is using the belt of nigh invulnerability in over 80% of the scenes in your movie.
I swear to God, if I even used that thing in ONE fight I'd get flamed for it. Gee, I wonder if a 4K damage shield would make it easier to pull off 1v2s and 1v3s. Hrm... Potions? Maybe I should start using those too. I guess I always got my overpowered 3 second nets that break immediately on damage.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin (1937 - )
i think that about sums it up.
hahahah!! <3 george carlin :)
Anyway!! Oozo..thanks for the vid link its great...as I do stay away from WCM's now I rely on you and SGing..to provide my pvp video fix ;)
How that team of ures coming along! WTB Oozo arena update
This has happened before..
This time I actually agree with you, though.
Keep in mind, I gave this movie a 4.8 rating (I would have given my last movie a 4.5 - trying my best to be impartial LOL) and I highly recommend it.
Just like Neilyo's movie it's not the author or the movie I disliked, it's the viewers and their reasoning.
"How that team of ures coming along! WTB Oozo arena update "
I don't know man. Zinn quit the game over what was happening. :(
We reformed the team. The resto shaman/warlock/shadowpriest has won about 66% of it's matches including the old team but we had a rough go of it this week so far wtih 4W 6L (We played a couple of teams over 2000 rating totally decked out compared to us). We'll try to play this weekend to get the % back up, but I'm telling you... it's getting really frustrating playing team after team after team that totally outgears us. We have a decent winning % but they are almost all hardfought matches and it's just wearing us down. We need easy matches. WTF are the teams with gear like us is what I want to know? They simply don't exist.
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