Nerf Hemo! But, restoration druids? NO PROBLEM.
Clearly hemo does too much damage for this PvE restoration druid to handle! I'm kicking out around 500 DPS sustained DPS in this fight (most fluctuation between 400-600 DPS). But once the druid gets their instacast HoTs up, I can barely dent the druid's health. Strong healing is fine. What takes this way over the fucking line is the mana regeneration. You have instacast HoT healing doing more than 600 hps AND essentially an infinite supply of mana?
Please... this shit is broken. It's far more broken than hemo is, that's for sure. Will Blizzard continue to ignore this? Most likely.
I was thinking to myself. How could I possible take this druid down solo? My only idea was to use an AR/prep build and just absolutely cooldown dump at the beginning of the fight. You'd have to kill the druid outright before they get those instacast HoTs up and the only way I see doing that is a long duration "stunlock" utilizing blind/sap and two ARs (that's assuming no trinket, of course - heh).
Then, I came to the rogue board later in the day and saw that AR was being taken off of prep (something I agree with BTW - I disagree with the give-and-take-back hemo buff-nerf).
I posted this clip on an internal forum yesterday as well. Without previously talking about it, one of my friends said that the only way a rogue could take down that druid was with AR/Prep, agreeing independently with my earlier assessment.
Then I got to say in an ominous voice, "you haven't heard yet, have you?"
I've always wanted to do that. Keke.
In hindsight, I could have used EA here but I don't generally bother with a druid since they can just go into bear form anyway. So, I use my CPs to keep rupture and snd up. I've never seen a resto druid just stand there and take it like this without going into form before, so it didn't cross my mind. With that mana regen I don't think EA would have made a difference though.
My apologies for the music, I took one of the most annoying songs I could find and sped it up to reflect my annoyance with the fight.
Also, before my numerous lovable nitpicking fans point out that I blinded while the druid was dotted, I'll point out that was using blind to disrupt the root cast as it is more reliable than kick and gouge in a laggy enviroment. I went LD about 2 minutes after this fight.
BTW, an alliance paladin came by and the druid didn't get the GY back. Mission accomplished, heh.
Friday, December 14, 2007
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lmao that was pretty redic
Dwarf eh? I guess thats the best option with the choses you have on that side
It's actually my very first and oldest WoW. My first L60, etc.
That is utter bullsh!t. While the druid certainly wasn't ever going to take you down, he could have played the punching bag game all day and waited for reinforcements.
That's absurd.
A side question: Do you think we're all going to have to go back to Deep Combat once 2.3.2 goes live, or do you think 0/31/30 will still reign supreme in BGs and Arena?
Resto druids are the best pvp healers, hands down. Mobile, able to make it through a focus fire session, with stealth, with HoTs that you don't even dare to dispel... i compare that video with my resto shaman, i have less healing and WAY less mana regen (as shaman don't have any mana regen while casting talents), and i would prolly be oom after 30 sec to 1 min. Mail with shield ? Barskin+bear, but it's amazing that the druid didn't even bother.
And healing specs will wear you down slowly. A couple of months ago i dueled a very good geared resto shaman. The fight lasted around 8 mins, i destroyed every totem he put out, but at the end, when he was oom, i just didn't have enough hp and cd left to take him down. This was long before 2.3.
Now, healers receive that % of healing to spell damage. I'm not saying that's bad. But there's too much emphasis on healing these days. Even tho my rogue is now pretty well geared, it takes TOO long to kill a resto shaman or disc/holy priest and close to impossible to kill a resto druid. Holy paladins... with enough spell dmg they can kill me, else it's all about the bubble.
Playing a healing class at 70 i can tell the differences between healing classes. What makes a healing class imba is mobility and large mana pool. Shaman don't have instant heals, aside NS every 3 mins. Same for paladins, aside holy shock, that's horribly mana-inefficient, no instant heals. Priests can basically spam renew+PoM. But that's not all ! While priests can spec deep disc and get pain supression to make their hots and buffs harder to dispel, the druid has lolbloom. EVERY druid. I did the mistake of spam-purging a druid without looking at his buffs. I think i healed him for 5k from 2 purges.
Lifebloom is like a warlock's UA, but the other way around. Don't dispel it, and your enemy gets slowly healed. Or, dispel it, and get your enemy insta-healed. This, while Earth Shield, a 41 pt talent, has 0% resistance to dispel and no ide-effects to dispelling, in addition of costing a lot of mana.
Well. Enough resto druid ranting. I just hope they will be hit by the nerfbat fast, hard and heavy. Grr.
Anyhoo, on the rogue issue, I don't care much about AR/prep, but now to have hemo maxed out, you'll need sinister calling... so no more 23/12/26 for me. I loved that build so much, i was virtually unkitable. You know that spec you used to have on Chromed, something like 5/25/21, well, this 23/12/26 waa my own, home-baked formula of happiness.
Oh btw.. Oozo DOES live ! Hellcome back !
I came to this forum as I used to play a Rogue as my main, I still love the class but he's now become my pvp/arena bitch and I now play a Resto Druid as my main.
Firstly you sycophants are retarded at what point do you realise that you are not meant to be able to kill every class and every build in the game? As a resto druid rogues are probably the easiest (and perhaps only) class that you can reliably take down 1on1. I guarantee I would beat your prep/AR (my rogues spec also btw) spec in any duel simply because of the rock/paper/scissors nature of the game. I'd have imagined a prep/CB build would stand a better chance but off the top of my head can't think if CB is still covered by prep.
The guy playing the Druid in the AV vid was seriously below competent, he looked like a keyboard turner too. If a druid of any skill was playing you'd have died a lot quicker and he'd have kept the flag. Now I don't doubt you are a competent rogue but being pissed off because 1 build of 1 class makes you look stupid every time you try to kill them doesn't mean the game is broken. You should take joy in the fact that you can beat most other classes fairly easily or at the very least have a chance to win the fight. As a resto druid we can basically heal ourselves long enough to get people really pissed at us and perhaps follow us away from a flag in a BG so that someone else can take it but the chances of killing a Paladin or Shaman for example are low.
Anyway /rant off I'll carry on reading these otherwise very entertaining forums!
I will give you that when you spec as a healer you are giving up a lot of what is "fun" in the game. Some people really do love the healing role, but I would say that most do not.
For many they take the role, because...
So, perhaps they should get a bit of a perk for that. Again, it wasn't really the healing ability of this druid that upset me it was their mana regen during the whole engagement.
I also found it interesting that I could generate more DPS against a plate class with high resilience than I could against this druid with low resilience. I still haven't quite figure that one out yet.
As far as the upcoming nerfs, I think most of the hardcore min/max players will settle back into either mutilate or combat.
Adventurous types will still mess around with hemo. Althout it sucks to have to go soooo deep into the sub tree just to barely "un-nerf" hemo as it is now.
Ed, son, if you would have bothered to watch the movie unbiased, you'd discover that the druid didn't do anything more than spammng hots and the odd moonfire. I should be able to kill ANY class that has less skills than i do, and if you think different, then you're an idiot and ez-moder and FOTM reroller. Sorry, newsflash, sonny, spamming some HoT buttons is not skill.
Oozo, your answer might be Natural Perfection, talent in resto tree, stacks up to 15% reduced dmg. Coupled with some 25% from leather, that's almost like my shaman's main+shield. I didn't see if he cast barskin, but if he did, he would surely reduce melee dmg to some 40%. Which sucks.
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