Monday, December 24, 2007

Rogue Forum Topic of The Day: Welfare Epics

My take on things:

I really love some people on this forum. Arrogant, self-absored, and illogical. They try to derive individual worth out of what their team or guild has accomplished. And they try to demean others individually for what their team or guild has not accomplished.

Arena is NOT a primary measure of individual skill. It's a gear and class composition check first. Furthermore, a skilled player grouped with keyboard turning fresh L70 friends is not going to ascend up the ranks no matter how good they may be individually.

As far as getting gear. Getting gear via PvP is MUCH EASIER than getting gear via PvE. Actually trying to compare which one requires more skill is absolutely moronic since they require different skill sets.

If you think otherwise, then I'll have to ask what your end-game experience is. If you haven't been in a cutting-edge guild attempting content that has not been killed before, then you really have no place to speak. Dying repeatedly to learn a new encounter that may or may not be "tuned" correctly by Blizzard takes true f'n dedication.

I have much respect for the people in cutting-edge guilds and this is coming from someone who has mostly been dedicated to PvP. They quite literally beta-test the game for you.


Unknown said...

also keep in mind that a lot of these kids that talk about how they are all about pvping for the competition are the same ones bitching when the competition is equally geared.

their tears taste delicious. but the gear grind is still way too long in this game to keep me around when the next expansion drops and makes all my time meaningless.

i'm only even paying for this month to mess around on the test realm.

i thought this gameright entry hit it rather well:

Raggok said...

"when the next expansion drops and makes all my time meaningless"

Oh man, ain't that the truth. I'm not grinding on my rogue now anymore. If I get honor it's because I'm grouping with friends for fun or I'm frapsing content.

I'm spending my time right now levelling up different alts.

Going to check that gameriot link out, thanks.