Thursday, July 26, 2007

Iwl 3 Shooting Complete

I picked up some new gear that changed my look. The L70 blue PvP shoulders to be exact. I got tired of looking like a n00b, so now I just play like a n00b rather than both looking like and playing like a n00b. A new look means an official end to filming.


Actually, I had stopped filming awhile ago because I've been more interested in actually winning matches to build honor than hunting for 1v1s. Doing the two are almost always mutually exclusive. Almost. I missed some great clutch play clips with flag returns I would have loved to have put in the movie. I netted an enemy druid literally 2 feet from the flag return, nabbed the flag and solo'd him down. Did the same against a mage a couple of days later (no net, but fear - he trinketted but it gave me enough time to get the flag). Both were very well-geared as they were in preforms. Preventing a cap by a matter of seconds, fighting it out in their flag room 1v1, and scoring the return is just great drama.

Ah, well. All movie-makers will tell you that their best moments never got recorded. It's just the way it is.

You've seen most of the movie, but I'll do a run down on opponents anyway. It's something I need to do because I want to add comments to the movie to point some things out. People are just overall horrible at seeing details. If I don't let them know that this warrior is using a stormherald, I'm almost guaranteed to have some halfwits saying all of the people I fought had bad gear. I've always just assumed that people will say... ok, that guy is in full gladiator, or ok... that guy is using stormherald. But, it just doesn't work out that way.

I'm not alone in this. A few weeks back a pretty humble priest released a movie that no one really watched and a few who did watch it flamed him because his "opponents all sucked." I say humble, because the guy never once mentioned that he was a gladiator rated priest from season one. So, I'm watching this movie and yeah, it did have some suckass opponents in it WHEN HE WAS DOING 1v3s. Heh.

He had a 1v2 in the movie against a well-geared warrior and a gladiator rated holy priest. He had a 1v1 against a well-geared rogue that kicked his ass, sadly (shadowpriest). He had the standard 1v1 kill against Swifty the NE warrior of movie fame. The content of the movie was good. Where it failed is that it was his first movie and it didn't have any fancy editting and the music was mostly rap (which most people don't go for). I'm absolutely convinced that people saw the lack of editting and heard the music and just flamed it from there. They even flamed his opponents which was absolutely retarded when you actually looked them up on armory.

And to make matters worse. Some of the people that flamed this guy, pointed to Shadow Word: Dance as having better opponents! LOL! I mean, I LOVE the Shadow Word: Dance series, but the people he fights are HORRIBLE.

Do you see the pattern here? Bad editting, bad music = bad opponents whether true or false. Good editting, good music = good opponents whether true or false.

Why are people so damned shallow?

Okay, I just went off on a tangent I wasn't even planning on going down... content coming in next post.


Unknown said...

Presentation is everything.

You can serve shit on a plate, call it Le Mierda, and people would it if it looked good and thought eating it would make them look good.

Just the way life works sometimes.

Unknown said...

Schwadowpriest, right?
Awesome movie tbqh, and not that void of content. The IF and Mind control scenes were hilarious!

Raggok said...

Nope, it was before that one. I can't remember the name off of the top of my head. Schwadowpriest was fairly well recieved, but he told people who he was and his presentation was much cleaner.

Lots of shadowpriest movies have been put out in the last few weeks, oddly enough.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've noticed the shadow priest movie influx too, like how there's a hell of a lot of mage blogs nowadays.

Raggok said...

Mages I can understand. You'll notice they are all frost mages. Damage, multiple escape methods, water pets, CCs, mana regen, etc. etc.

A few of the mage movies are 1v2 rated. No other class can get away with that stuff.

Shadowpriests are pretty solid with gear, the hard classes to beat are rogue.. and frost mages. :P

Kreuzner said...

Seeing as how you didnt give a damn about arena on your rogue, why not try to make a 1v2 Rated Arena Vid on Oozo?

Now I have to do it :(

Raggok said...

Oozo is lightyears behind the gear curve. HP and resilience is something you can't overcome 1v2 when undergeared.

If someone could pull off 1v2s in rated arena with my stats, I'd be extremely impressed.

Kreuzner said...

Well actually my rogue's equip is even sub par to yours, but I play 1v2 arena regulary to improve my gameplay. Of course you loose the majority of times, but sometimes you get lucky or use cloak of shadows on 2! arcane power, pom, pyros, which is fun.

I'll try to get a video up if I start to win some more.