Monday, July 9, 2007

Removing World of Ming Link

If you've actually read through the comments in Imberlyn's latest post you will understand why. I simply won't link to a site that allows that type of filth and hatred to be posted and remain unmoderated.

I don't hold grudges. Hell, I even have the World of Sev link up even though it personally attacked me. This has nothing to do with my dislike for Ming and everything to do with just common decency.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, if I'd known a blogger account took that little effort I would have done it a long time ago =/.
I briefly read some of the comments you referred to.. And I'm more than a little disgusted. I've heard of internet anonymity creating arseholes, but that was just ridiculous, and has solidly reinforced my policy of not bothering to read comments on WoM.
It's a double pity, because the new writer has quite a funny way, and actually knows how to spelling and grammar check.

Unknown said...

Kudos on removing the link. Seeing as how nothing of value has come from Ming's site for quite a while.

I hadn't visited WoM in a few weeks, but I checked in to view these "indecent" comments (I assume your referring to the "Curb Stomp Inc" post). What I found were sexist, vulgar, and some simply retarded replies. But I am wondering why this came as such a surprise to you. With the type of "shock value/drama" content found on Ming's site, I fully expected his readers to reply in this fashion.

Even though I didn't like what the responders had to say, I can still appreciate the fact that they are allowed to say it. I understand why you felt you had to completely moderate your site, but I don't agree with it. The posters who were spamming your site after your flamefest with Ming (and others) were here as a result of your actions. If you really don't won't those type of people reading and posting on your site, you should probably avoid enticing them.

Raggok said...

Yeah, I brought a good bit of it upon myself... no doubt. But, I've been doing a good job of laying low as of late. :P

Raeli said...

Yeah, to be honest I didn't think Imberlyn was that bad.

Then I realized she basically fed the retards who posted there, and I started to respect her less tbh.

Now I don't even visit Ming's site.

Unknown said...

The piece on China liberating the Tibet people from slavery from the dalai lama was nuts and disgusting.


"they failed to realize Dalai Lama’s shady past as the leader of a horrible theocracy, where a few buddhist monks constituting the aristocratic class oppressed and enslaved the masses that made up 99% the population in Tibet. Moreover, the west proposed that Tibet should be an autonomous region (even independent) only for Tibetans to preserve their culture and religion. Don’t you feel this amounts to denying the human rights of other Chinese ethnic groups?"

This guy is misinformed I'm afraid.