Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's Wrong with WCM.

The foremost thing wrong with WCM are the insane number of retarded downraters that inhabit the place. If they don't like your music... 1 out of 5. If they don't like some single aspect of your movie... 1 out of 5. If they have a personal beef against you from past experiences... 1 out of 5. There are four criteria for you to rate on: content, creativity, editting, and audio/visual quality. Downraters show again and again that they have no respect for this rating system. They are either too spiteful or too stupid to use it honestly.

I report these cretins every chance I get. I do it to protect my own movies, but I ALSO report them when they downrate others' movies unfairly. The funny thing is, I keep on seeing some of the same names over and over when I do this. Why in the hell are people who have repeatedly demonstrated that they lack the capability of being a fair critic allowed to rate? Let them watch the movies, sure... but REVOKE their right to rate movies. Their input is offensive, useless, and dishonest.

IWL3 - Shadowpriest PvP

Let's take a look at the scores my movie has recieved so far: 4.8, 4.8, 4.2, 4.5, 3.0, 5.0, 4.2, 2.0, 2.5, 4.5, 4.2, 4.8, 5.0, 3.8, 4.2, 2.5, 5.0, 1.8, 5.0, 4.5 Avg. 4.01 WCM Avg. 4.01

The standard deviation for these numbers is approximately 1. So, scores between a 3.01 and a 5.0 lie within 1 standard deviation of the average (or mean). Scores on the outside of that range are questionable. Scores on the outside of 2 standard deviations (in my case scores below a 2.01) are extremely questionable.

If we remove the scores outside of 2 standard deviations we get this adjusted average: 4.25
If we remove the scores outside of 1 standard deviation we get this adjusted average: 4.57

Now, let's take a look at a movie that was put into WCM's "featured box" immediately upon it's release and has been there for about a day so far.

Cheesewiz vol. 1

IMO, this movie is not very good. It's a movie of a well-geared warrior mowing people down in a matter of seconds. And it had to be a matter of seconds, because the movie is not even using the registered version of FRAPs. That means, no clips over 30 seconds. I sped up the clips in my movie, but this movie is on crack. I think it is at 2X speed and has a ton of editting that does not enhance, but rather obscures (kind of like Oozo Lives!).

Here are the scores this movie has received so far: 2.0, 1.2, 3.8, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.5, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.2, 2.8, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 3.5, 3.8, 1.5, 3.0, 1.8, 1.5, 1.0, 2.2, 2.5, 2.5, 4.0, 4.2, 2.2, 3.8, 4.8, 1.2, 1.2, 1.0, 2.8, 2.0, 1.2, 2.8, 1.5, 3.5, 2.2, 4.0, 2.8, 2.0, 4.0, 3.8, 1.0, 1.8, 2.0, 3.2, 2.2 Avg: 2.34 WCM Avg: 2.32

The descrepency is either due to a small mistake in number entry or WCM might be using weighted ratings. I'll use the average more beneficial to the movie poster. The standard deviation in this case is 1.1. So scores between 1.24 and 3.44 fall within one standard deviation of the mean, while scores between 0.14 and 4.54 fall within two standard deviations. So, here a HIGH score is actually a questionable score.

If we remove the scores outside of 2 standard deviations we get this adjusted average: 2.26
If we remove the scores outside of 1 standard deviation we get this adjusted average: 2.27

Interesting. I guess this means there are more downraters than upraters, in general. Surprise!

Okay, so why am I comparing these two movies? Well, I released my movie 3 days ago and it has silently slid down their "latest releases" column (the one no one hardly ever looks at) and now is no longer listed on the front page at all. Now, this Cheesewiz movie above was put into the featured block the very moment it was released (2 days after mine) and has remained there since for a full day. My movie only has 4,400 download at the moment and that is not really going any higher unless it somehow makes it back on the front page. The downraters have done their job and my score is just low enough to keep me off of the "high rating" list for PvP.

Now, the Cheesewiz movie has 33,700 downloads. Is that because it's a good movie? No, its because it's been in the "featured block" for so long. You see, when you put a WCM promo in your movie it "increases your chances" that your movie will be placed in the "featured block" with your graphic. I can fully understand some exceptional movies blocking me out. Fine, but over the past 2 days some of these slots have been taken up by this Cheesewiz movie and a rotation of movies some of which are OVER A MONTH OLD.

Do I feel slighted? You are damn right I do. And it's not just me, my position is not unique. They are screwing over several movie authors with this kind of behavior.

Is this the first time they have screwed me? Not really. ICOBN4, even though it had over 16K views and a rating of 4.8 out of 5 never made it into the featured block. Do, I see a pattern? Yes. Do you see it?

I won't even get into that whole "I am a Shaman", "I am a Mage", etc. crap. It should have never been approved and that guy now has special benefits because of that shit. But hey, when you are the only game in town you can do whatever the hell you want to do. Amirite?


Raeli said...

WCM is a bunch of retards. Didn't give any of my movies any special treatments but that stupid "I R PALADUMB" shit gets on the front page.

Fucking bullshit.

Raggok said...

Here is my suggestion to WCM that I posted on their Suggestion forum:


You don't have enough slots there to give all the movies that pass through the proper exposure. My last movie went three days through the "just released" queue without making it into the spotlight. It's off the front page now which basically means it's dead as far as downloads go.

And what really irks me is that you had that Cheesewiz movie up there for more than a day, and quite frankly that movie is bad. Who makes these decisions? To me it seems that you put some movies in the spotlight just because the gear the person is wearing with little to no regard whether the movie is any good or not. I can understand being pushed aside for those truly unique and awesome movies.. but Cheesewiz? Have you guys looked at the ratings and comments on that?

OR, maybe it's just a problem with space. Totally understandable. IMO, you should try to be as fair as you can giving exposure to all the movies that come through. It seems to me that you can't do that with the current system of clumping every type of movie together. IMO, put toggle panels (like you have in your lists) for the "Today's Spotlight" section.

One for PvP, one for PvE, and one for Other (Comedy, Music, Storyline). Or whatever categories would best split things up a bit. People who look for PvP movies might not care much for Storyline movies. People who like PvE Boss videos might not care for PvP videos at all.

Please consider this. It will make your site more tailored to user interest and also more fair.

Anonymous said...

I really want to hit some of the people who say something like : I watched the stream version for 10 seconds, didn't like the music, so I'm going to give it a 1.5

Kreuzner said...

Don't even bother. My Paladin movie (though played at level 68) got 2(!) ratings in total before it slid of the newest release page. Both rating were above 4.5. That was back when next to no arena movie was up there, before season 1 had even started and it was one of the first (if not the first) bloodelf paladin pvp movies.

Still, no mention on the front page, which maybe because of it was played at level 68.

I have posted another movie at 70 which was rejected because of movie quality which I was fine with (Adobe Premiere bugging out on me). Now this "I'm a Mage" Crap comes up there, doesn't get rejected I'm pretty pissed.

Gundy said...

Just watched Cheesewiz, what a POS. He kills people in 2-3 shots whoopdee doo that takes a lot of skill right?

The fights that he doesn't 2 shot them he almost loses to people with crappier gear. I think he won maybe 1 2v1? The other ones he would kill 1 person then quit recording, which you could tell he was going to lose.

God I'm so sick of this 1 shotting crap. Its like the Unbreakable shaman video. OMG he pressed 2 buttons lolz that takes skill AMIRITE?

Uzbeki said...
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Uzbeki said...

I am the first to admit that "I am shaman" was a mistake that never should have happened.

Secondly I just want to say we take this post very seriously and will start crunching the numbers to see how big the problem really is. If the "downraters" outnumber the "upraters" then obviously we have an issue that needs to be resolved. We have mechanics in place to reduce the impact of such rates , ie. weighted ratings, however if they are able to continue to downrate their weight will increase. Something needs to be done. We will start monitoring obvious attempts to downrate movies and take the appropriate actions against these users.

Thirdly I agree that the impact of the feature block is too big compared to the limited amount of movies able to be shown up there. Therefor we start using "alternating spotboxes" which means we can put up 5-8 movies per day instead of just 4.

//Uzbeki @ WCM