Saturday, July 28, 2007

Warriors Are NOT 1v1 Gods

Dahis took some flak in one of his recent articles called "Mortal Strike and You" mainly for saying

Actually I rolled a Warrior partly because I wanted a class that was an underdog 1v1, but that’s kinda’ a long story that nobody cares about. - Dahis

Dahis is absolutely correct here. Overall, the warrior is an underdog in 1v1. It's only when they get incredible gear that they really start having success. How many successful undergeared rogue movies have you seen? How many successful undergeared mage movies have you seen? Now, how many successful ungeared WARRIOR movies have you seen? LOL.

But, nonetheless Dahis got responses such as:

I’ve never met a geared warrior spec’d for PvP that wasn’t a GOD 1v1. Your’s truly, The beleaguered rogue. - a beleagured rogue


Where does this myth come from that warriors are bad at 1v1 PvP? Warriors beat the following classes rather easily: Rogues Priests Warlocks Paladins. They lose to: Mages. Depending on luck or individual skill, they have about even odds against: Hunters Druids(feral) Shaman. Mages are the only class that can consistently school a warrior 1v1. Agaisnt other classes, it’s either about even, or warriors clean house.

No, just no. Warriors have problems against all of the casters 1v1 and I'll take myself as proof of that for the priest class, at least. In my upcoming movie I take out three fairly well geared warriors 1v1. Ozymandeus, Mistarawr, and Elrich. Ozymandeus is a duelist rated gnome warrior using Deepthunder. Mistarawr is a challenger rated NE warrior using Stormherald (not sure why he currently has a L60 weapon equipped), and Elrich is a Grand Marshal human warrior using Stormherald and currently on the #4 3v3 team in my battlegroup.

Last night, I killed this guy 1v1 even though he got the charge on me from behind while I was searching the WSG alliance hold for the flag. Ravock. This is a gladiator rated NE warrior using Stormherald. I'm pretty sure he must have been shadowmelded because he came out of nowhere and caught me completely offguard. Yet, he still died and I didn't. Of course, being one of the best fights I've ever put up my fraps program wasn't loaded and it will be lost down the memory hole.

These fights are NOT easy for me and yes, I do get squashed by warriors from time to time as well. But, my point is this...

It's widely acknowledged that I suck. I totally suck and I have crap for gear. I'm a scrub. Yet, I can kill these warriors. So, how do you think a good player with top-end gear would do against them?


Warriors are not GODS in 1v1. If someone like me can beat them, dare I say they need buffs.


Raggok said...

Some people are misinterpretting this a little bit. Let's just say some of it is written with Swift's "A Modest Proposal" in mind. :P

Anonymous said...

"A Modest Proposal"? Link please.

Raggok said...

Anonymous said...

I remember that!

When you said Swift, I first thought of Swifty. O.o

Kreuzner said...

I beat my brothers full epic warrior constantly using my paladin in my heal equip. Saying a warrior would beat a paladin easily is a vast misinterpretation of the arena situation.

With all cooldowns I can't imagine how a warrior should beat a paladin. If it's a shockadin with spelldamage equip it isnt even close.

Kreuzner said...

Also, what often not regarded is that a warrior specced and geared for 1v1 will not happen very often, because in normal pvp (world, bg, arena) warriors aren't usually the ones that are focussed.

I would say that:

Priests, Mages, Warlocks, Paladins & Hunters have the upper hand when duelling a warrior, while it comes more down to the actual spec on Shamans and Druids. The only class a warrior can beat consistently 1on1 is a Rogue imo.

Vødka said...

I would like you all to know that this is comming from a disc/holy priest perspective.
If I remmember correctly I haven't lost a duel even 1nce to a warrior this season. I've beaten some of the best warriors on my realm (tichondrius) from Quality Control, currently ranked #10 pvp guild according to arenajunkies. These warriors don't have a chance to beat me 1v1. Yes I know most are thinking, well this is because you are a priest, every class has the advantage on a warrior 1v1 now even rogues do. Yet warriors still have a chance in killing rogues.
When warriors step into arena its a differnt situation though. The warriors I duel that I face in arena is such a differnt situation there.
My point is, you can whine and whine all day they are underdogs, but step into the arena's if u have such a problem w/ 1v1.
I have 980+res atm and I pop everything you name it to stay alive when warrior is on me in arena's. It's usually a 50/50 match then.
~Vødka (Tichondrius, BG9)