Foolish little brother, if you wish to surpass my site, flame me, hate me, and keep your site alive with these unsightly Adsense numbers. Beg and pray that Dahis will keep a dead weight like yourself around in both SG and his 5v5. Someday, when you obtain the same popularity as I do, come before me with your Alexa numbers. I am more successful than you, both in game and in RL. I will eventually obtain Dahis-kun’s service, both in game and in RL too. Once he is serious about tapping his full income potential from WOW, he will seek my darker powers immediately. - Ming to HappymintiYou know even if this is fake and just for show, it's just downrite pathetic. I mean, who is entertained by drivel like this? Seriously. I will take the History Channel over E! Entertainment News every freeking day of the week. I understand that some people may like watching wrestling or some show that follows the daily struggles of some washed-up former celebrity going through rehab. Those types of shows do have an audience. An audience of morons. And there are a hell of a lot more morons in this world than intelligent people, so yeah if you are looking for more hits then appeal to the morons. Ming has that part right at least.
Quality over quantity, IMO.
Here is another quote which is interesting to me:
My dueling guides have always been the very best there is because I am very specific about how you win a fight, and if you follow my steps you would beat 90% of the opponents no questions asked - MingIs this the same Ming that has been bitching and complaining about how rogues are the "worst" PvP class and how he can't beat anyone on the PTR? What is required for a class to be good to Ming? Beating 100% of your opponents?
Again, all of this can all be simplified as follows:
If you like the History Channel then go to
If you like professional wrestling then go to
I check by Ming's website only to find something informative and useful. I normally don't find that and instead I find something completely delusional, somewhat insulting (that of Ming thinking every rogue but what he calls the "golden childern" are the best), or something just retarded. I guess in the end, mainly to him, all that matters is the ratings.
I can answer the second part.
I'm pretty sure Ming has stated that he beats 99% of people on his server, but can't beat anyone on the PRT. He thinks that rogues are great till around 300 resilience where rogues become useless and can't beat ANY class 1 v 1. His guide will let you beat most people, but nobody on the PRT...
I'm not sure i believe it but I'm sure that's what he would tell you if you asked him directly.
It started like this:
- Ming said something on WoM about Minti having a relationship with a girl he met online, then started daydreaming about finding some hot chick himself;
- Minti posted his article on SG;
- Ming fueled up the flamthrowers and fired away.
If it were me, i'd probably beat the crap out of Ming just for the hell of it: "wtf do you care where i met my gf, noob ?". It's pretty lame to post personal stuff on the 'net, especially about someone else. But i guess Ming is already so in love with himself that thinks it's okay to write about himself as a person, and about others, because wow, if you made into ming's blog, fuck, that's an honor and a privilege !
Christ. Pure flame. Right, ming did it for taking more hits on his blog, but come on, we're all rogues here, don't be like that, makes people upset.. Minti's article was in no way offensive, but meh, i guess 10 cents a hit (or whatever the rate is) is more important than, well, let's not say a friendship... but at least some roguish respect.
Oozo, you hit the spot with your analogy. That's dead right. SG has the overall pro feeling, i said it on SG and i say it here too, SG is the pro thing, with civilized and articulate people, WoM is "how to flame and love yourself", and Oozo Lives is like having a pleasant conversation in a quiet place, while smoking a cigar and sipping coffee.
I just hope the flaming disease won't spread to SG, Responses to Minti's article are already getting hot. Well, fuck Ming, it's so amusing tho, the way he compares himself to Minti, like Nerf Sap series didn't happen. Too bad some people take him seriously.
Meh. RIP common sense.
In my opinion, this is a staged "flamewar" for ming to prove that drama means clicks.
He prolly proposed such a thing to Minti and Dahis and they agreed to try it out.
Otherwise I can't explain why he would talk about Minti or Dahis like he does, since he mentioned he has some respect for them (at least he does for Dahis).
Also, Dahis has not posted anything in the comments of either article.
Then again, Ming is a lunatic who changes his mind for often than his underwear, so my theory might be off.
I think so too, Drunken. That first quote I posted is a calculated troll. A lot of people seem to appreciate Ming's trolling ability (WWF fans as well, no doubt).
There is nothing wrong with a light-spirited troll, IMO... the problem is that the stuff Ming posts is way too personal and malicious, IMO. Even if he actually does not believe it himself!
It's over the line.
"He thinks that rogues are great till around 300 resilience where rogues become useless and can't beat ANY class 1 v 1."
He should stop calling for rogue buffs and start calling for resilience nerfs, IMO. Resilience seems to be a poorly concieved system.
Rogues are more than fine (in fact they are overpowered IMO) when dealing with mid to low resilience targets.
Thank God you've kept you standards up. I like to read your articles as a break from the hardcore world and the world of Ming stroking his epeen.
"and Oozo Lives is like having a pleasant conversation in a quiet place, while smoking a cigar and sipping coffee."
hahaha, exactly the type of thing i like to do.
i couldn't agree more with the WWE analogy. some people love their action oriented soap opera's, but it's just not my cup of coffee.
I really hate this whole mess. I think this rival or whatever it is between SG and Ming's blog is actually ruining SG. The comments have degraded significantly and profanity is being used. Where as before, there were nice little paragraphs of intellient, well thought out responses to the article itself. Now it's people praising or bashing Ming, even bashing SG, and bringing the overall appeal of the website down. I hestitate to read the comments now, and that's a bad sign.
Anyways, I guess I still have venick's and your blog to keep my sanity in check. Thank god for that.
George Bush is a former alcoholic who believes in God while supporting death penalty and wars. Then why can't a deluded retard with low and inflated confidence and on top of that no grasp of reality lead WoW to become an E-sport and obtain celebrity status himself?
I mean we have dickheads like Tom Cruise who's just a total nutcase managing and doing well in this world - just go nuts, drop the ego and succeed!
Everyone run nude to the hospital! NOW!
Next time you see a stranger (and you're alone), just tell him/her to go to hell and suck a dick. What does it matter? Who cares? Nothing happens.
Uh He could punch you in face for one. The fact that Bush is a total failure during his years in presidentcy would also be another big indication to not make him an ideal role model.
However, everyone is entitled to their own opinons, and to some, Bush did a wonderful job.
I wouldn't be too concerned as of yet, Lorr. This happened when Minti criticized Ming's PTR movie and that passed.
Basically, Minti just needs to stop stirring the pot on and completely ignore what's going on at WOM. And it will all pass.
Of course, another possibility is that they are actually colluding with each other to drive traffic up through drama.
I don't think that is likely from Minti's side, but you can't rule out all possibilities. If Minti keeps on bringing up Ming on then the collusion hypothesis becomes a bit more plausable.
I know that sounds a bit hypocritical considering that I didn't exactly ignore what Ming posted on his blog, but IMO Minti has more to lose by addressing the MingBS than I did.
By that, I mean that Minti still has a very good reputation amongst the rogue (and pvp community, in general).
Minti's still cool, imo.
Ming, like many others, suffers from an inferiority complex in which he has to bring attention to himself to stop the women from laughing at his horrendously small penis.
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