Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Shadow Word: Dance Series.
If you haven't checked out this series of shadowpriest movies yet, you should do yourself a favor and do so! In particular, the second and third installments, are very enjoyable.
The shadowpriest in question is only L67, but he takes on L70s in world PvP clips. Now, his opponents are not the best but his editting skills are beyond reproach and he certainly knows what he is doing. He is the Tosan of Shadowpriests.
Dance also adds a lot of humor (via in-game text) to his movies. I found myself chuckling more than once. The music was all unknown to me and very catchy and upbeat.
There is absolutely no way I have the time and patience to edit a movie like this. According to Dance his third movie took 18 hours to render. Imagine your power going out 16 hours into that or something. No, thanks.
Personally, I'm just going to try to keep my movies cleanly editted and synced to the music. And, I'll go with content as my main focus. Unfortunately, people are more impressed by keen editting skills than content. But, such is life.
Once again. Treat yourself. :)
Shadow Word: Dance 3
Shadow Word: Dance 2
Shadow Word: Dance
The shadowpriest in question is only L67, but he takes on L70s in world PvP clips. Now, his opponents are not the best but his editting skills are beyond reproach and he certainly knows what he is doing. He is the Tosan of Shadowpriests.
Dance also adds a lot of humor (via in-game text) to his movies. I found myself chuckling more than once. The music was all unknown to me and very catchy and upbeat.
There is absolutely no way I have the time and patience to edit a movie like this. According to Dance his third movie took 18 hours to render. Imagine your power going out 16 hours into that or something. No, thanks.
Personally, I'm just going to try to keep my movies cleanly editted and synced to the music. And, I'll go with content as my main focus. Unfortunately, people are more impressed by keen editting skills than content. But, such is life.
Once again. Treat yourself. :)
Shadow Word: Dance 3
Shadow Word: Dance 2
Shadow Word: Dance
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Busy Working on IWL2
I've been pretty busy the past few days recording material for Iwl2. I'm probably just going to keep on recording another week or two depending on how many good clips I can get.
I usually make my movies by music segments.
Here is one of those segments as a teaser. This is a L69 clip. Most of the movie will be L70 though.;7856675;;/fileinfo.html
(also - I'm going to turn pre-moderation off and see what happens. I'll put it back up if necessary)
I usually make my movies by music segments.
Here is one of those segments as a teaser. This is a L69 clip. Most of the movie will be L70 though.;7856675;;/fileinfo.html
(also - I'm going to turn pre-moderation off and see what happens. I'll put it back up if necessary)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Venick's movie finally public!
He had to wait painfully through a slow WCM upload process, but Venick's rogue movie is finally public. To me, this movie has kind of an "oldschool" feel to it. Or maybe I'm just being nostalgic. Undead rogue running around in AV, anyone?
Most of the movie features 1vNs and back-to-back string kills in AV. There are a couple of world PvP clips, and a nice 1v1 duel against a tough orc resto shaman. Once again, I would like to see more 1v1s against tough opponents. The AV clips are great entertainment, but I really only learn anything new from watching top 1v1 duels anymore. A mixture of entertainment and education is best, IMO!
The music choices are pretty safe. Not my favorite music styles, but nothing irritating. Where did all the Pendulum go from the V&T probject! ;)
Be sure to check out the rest of Venick's blog and squash (report) people who downrate for retarded reasons at WCM. :)
Most of the movie features 1vNs and back-to-back string kills in AV. There are a couple of world PvP clips, and a nice 1v1 duel against a tough orc resto shaman. Once again, I would like to see more 1v1s against tough opponents. The AV clips are great entertainment, but I really only learn anything new from watching top 1v1 duels anymore. A mixture of entertainment and education is best, IMO!
The music choices are pretty safe. Not my favorite music styles, but nothing irritating. Where did all the Pendulum go from the V&T probject! ;)
Be sure to check out the rest of Venick's blog and squash (report) people who downrate for retarded reasons at WCM. :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Eviscerate 5 released by Akrios
Akrios has just released his second TBC movie. This one is all mutilate, while the first was all combat. The intro is short, but looks good. In fact, the video quality throughout is topnotch. The music is good and not overbearing. Although it doesn't have my favorite type of music nothing about it distracts from the movie itself.
As far as content, it's a mixture of world PvP, BG/Arena PvP, and some 1v1 duels against a couple very tough opponents. This is what rogue movies need, IMO. A mixture. It needs those 1v1s against tough opponents (win or lose), not just 1vNs against people who are outgeared.
Akrios makes a few mistakes (nothing huge) in those duels, but that is what happens when you fight tough opponents who you aren't sure you are going to beat. Things get close, you get tense, bad things happen. Once again, bad players can not make good players look bad. Only good players can make good players look bad.
The duels are against a well-geared orc warrior and a resto shaman. The orc warrior is pretty damn tough and actually knows how to use his shouts. Showing a win and a loss is a nice touch, IMO. Oh, and what the hell broke that vanish in the second fight? I can't see anything. Akrios uses some grenades in the duels, but that is fine, IMO. Besides grenades and mutilate just scream for each other.
As far as I am concerned, this movie is a step in the right direction for rogue movies. My only complaint is that I would have liked to see maybe one or two more quality 1v1s against a couple of other classes. Hey, but making a movie that leaves people wanting a little more isn't bad.
Overall: nice job and hopefully this gets rogue movie-makers pointed in the right direction again.
Akrios has just released his second TBC movie. This one is all mutilate, while the first was all combat. The intro is short, but looks good. In fact, the video quality throughout is topnotch. The music is good and not overbearing. Although it doesn't have my favorite type of music nothing about it distracts from the movie itself.
This video is made to entertain, so please keep that in mind and try not to over analyze. - AkriosGod damn it, and I had just gotten the anal probe kit out of the closet. /sighs and puts the kit back. :(
As far as content, it's a mixture of world PvP, BG/Arena PvP, and some 1v1 duels against a couple very tough opponents. This is what rogue movies need, IMO. A mixture. It needs those 1v1s against tough opponents (win or lose), not just 1vNs against people who are outgeared.
Akrios makes a few mistakes (nothing huge) in those duels, but that is what happens when you fight tough opponents who you aren't sure you are going to beat. Things get close, you get tense, bad things happen. Once again, bad players can not make good players look bad. Only good players can make good players look bad.
The duels are against a well-geared orc warrior and a resto shaman. The orc warrior is pretty damn tough and actually knows how to use his shouts. Showing a win and a loss is a nice touch, IMO. Oh, and what the hell broke that vanish in the second fight? I can't see anything. Akrios uses some grenades in the duels, but that is fine, IMO. Besides grenades and mutilate just scream for each other.
As far as I am concerned, this movie is a step in the right direction for rogue movies. My only complaint is that I would have liked to see maybe one or two more quality 1v1s against a couple of other classes. Hey, but making a movie that leaves people wanting a little more isn't bad.
Overall: nice job and hopefully this gets rogue movie-makers pointed in the right direction again.
The Debater (episode 1): A Fowl Plot
As mentioned in one of my first blogs I played City of Heroes. My CoH days ended coincidentally about the same exact time I got a WoW beta invite. ;)
I didn't like the game play in CoH much, but the enviroment was good: the street sounds and doppler effect on music in cars as they passed by were excellent. It was also a great setting for HUMOR! Ah humor, how I love thee.
I made a series of very tongue-in-cheek comics while in CoH, 8 episodes in all. One of the things I wanted to do with this website was make it a central location for all of the work I've done. Whether that be the WoW movies I've done, the CoH comics I did, or the movies I'll be making for Warhammer or AoC.
I always look back in regret that I didn't finish this series of comics. I had a full storyline all laid out, and IMO some of it is kind of funny. Then again, some have said my sense of humor is not.... quite... right.
I didn't like the game play in CoH much, but the enviroment was good: the street sounds and doppler effect on music in cars as they passed by were excellent. It was also a great setting for HUMOR! Ah humor, how I love thee.
I made a series of very tongue-in-cheek comics while in CoH, 8 episodes in all. One of the things I wanted to do with this website was make it a central location for all of the work I've done. Whether that be the WoW movies I've done, the CoH comics I did, or the movies I'll be making for Warhammer or AoC.
I always look back in regret that I didn't finish this series of comics. I had a full storyline all laid out, and IMO some of it is kind of funny. Then again, some have said my sense of humor is not.... quite... right.
Without further adieu, I present The Debater (Episode 1):
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Changes to Posting Permissions
Due to the recent spam attack and invasion of childish, crude, and dishonest posters from WoM, I'm changing permissions as follows:
What that means is that all replies will get moderated before being published rather than after. I can't keep my eye on this blog 24/7, so this has become necessary. My apologies to the mature and well-behaved people out there.
And, once again, for the record the vast majority of people posting as Oozo on World of Ming are not me.
This blog does not allow anonymous comments. Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.
What that means is that all replies will get moderated before being published rather than after. I can't keep my eye on this blog 24/7, so this has become necessary. My apologies to the mature and well-behaved people out there.
And, once again, for the record the vast majority of people posting as Oozo on World of Ming are not me.
Nerf Druids 5
If you haven't seen this already, then you need to set aside some time to do so. Warning: It's 45 minutes long so you might need some popcorn.
This is one of the best PvP movies I've ever seen (and usually I avoid the word best, right!). The intro is solid, the music is great (IMO), but most importantly the PvP is just mesmerizing the watch. This druid has 10K HP in catform and around 14K HP in bear form. With that kind of HP and being able to shift in and out for heals or escape her survivability is just incredible.
The first part of this movie features BG PvP and includes mostly 1vNs. Some of the escapes and turnarounds are just wonderful to watch. The second part of the movie includes 2v2 with another druid. I even actually enjoyed watching the 2v2 matches and I usually don't like watching arena matches.
Quite frankly, watching this makes it look like the druid is much more fun to play than the rogue. So many options, so much more survivability. With the trinkets hitting rogue CC hard (really the only thing that seperated druids from rogues) I wonder if that will be even more the case after the patch. Druids have CC, but they just don't depend on it as much as rogues do since they can heal themselves.
Once again, a very entertaining and impressive movie. It actually held my full attention for the full 45. If you got time and haven't seen it yet, it's well worth the download.
If you haven't seen this already, then you need to set aside some time to do so. Warning: It's 45 minutes long so you might need some popcorn.
This is one of the best PvP movies I've ever seen (and usually I avoid the word best, right!). The intro is solid, the music is great (IMO), but most importantly the PvP is just mesmerizing the watch. This druid has 10K HP in catform and around 14K HP in bear form. With that kind of HP and being able to shift in and out for heals or escape her survivability is just incredible.
The first part of this movie features BG PvP and includes mostly 1vNs. Some of the escapes and turnarounds are just wonderful to watch. The second part of the movie includes 2v2 with another druid. I even actually enjoyed watching the 2v2 matches and I usually don't like watching arena matches.
Quite frankly, watching this makes it look like the druid is much more fun to play than the rogue. So many options, so much more survivability. With the trinkets hitting rogue CC hard (really the only thing that seperated druids from rogues) I wonder if that will be even more the case after the patch. Druids have CC, but they just don't depend on it as much as rogues do since they can heal themselves.
Once again, a very entertaining and impressive movie. It actually held my full attention for the full 45. If you got time and haven't seen it yet, it's well worth the download.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Mexican)
You will never ever hear me say that someone is the "best" or "top." The reason why is because when you do that you are always indirectly putting many other people down. I even avoid phrases like "very good." Usually the best you will see me say about someone is that they are "good."
That's not an insult. It's just something I do in order to not offend other people who may also be "good."
You have not ever nor will you ever see me saying something like "Happyminti is better than Ming." All you will see me say is that I think they are both good or in this case I might even say very good.
Now, English is not Ming's first language (is it?) so maybe it's an honest mistake. But putting that "very top shaman" in quotation marks seems to imply that is something I said. But, I didn't. For the reasons mentioned above I would never say something like that. If you look down in my commentary about the Oozo Lives movie you will see me say that Dorain is good. There is that word "good" again!
Dorain came up recently because he is a better shaman on paper than the shaman that Neilyo fought in his movie. Just as GC is a better shaman than Dorain on paper. Notice how Ming conveniently overlooked resilience, armor, and a few other stats on his front page. Dorain is still building his gear set.
Dorain is a good shaman, but more importantly he is a good person. The only reason he is getting shown up on Ming's blog is to get at me. And, for that I'm sorry.
In fact, I'm going to go ahead and log-in right now to see if I can apologize to him in person.
P.S. Good job on splitting the series against a tough opponent, Dorain.
That's not an insult. It's just something I do in order to not offend other people who may also be "good."
You have not ever nor will you ever see me saying something like "Happyminti is better than Ming." All you will see me say is that I think they are both good or in this case I might even say very good.
The “very top shaman” Oozo mentioned, Dorain challenged me on PTR - Ming
Now, English is not Ming's first language (is it?) so maybe it's an honest mistake. But putting that "very top shaman" in quotation marks seems to imply that is something I said. But, I didn't. For the reasons mentioned above I would never say something like that. If you look down in my commentary about the Oozo Lives movie you will see me say that Dorain is good. There is that word "good" again!
Dorain came up recently because he is a better shaman on paper than the shaman that Neilyo fought in his movie. Just as GC is a better shaman than Dorain on paper. Notice how Ming conveniently overlooked resilience, armor, and a few other stats on his front page. Dorain is still building his gear set.
Dorain does none of this. He doesn't preplace totems or start in ghostwolf. He basically gives the rogue the opener as if it was regular PvP instead of a duel letting the rogue have some of his advantage back. That's not to say that Dorain is better than GC. But, these are things that you really have to take into account.From what I’ve heard GeeCee is perhaps the most hardcore shaman to ever hit test server. He swaps to full tier 5 then trinkets, buffs earthshield, drops totems, goes back to full gladiator, drinks, ghostwolfs, and then starts the duel. This is to say that GeeCee takes every single possible advantage in order to win and from what I have seen he was very successful. - Happyminti
Dorain is a good shaman, but more importantly he is a good person. The only reason he is getting shown up on Ming's blog is to get at me. And, for that I'm sorry.
In fact, I'm going to go ahead and log-in right now to see if I can apologize to him in person.
P.S. Good job on splitting the series against a tough opponent, Dorain.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Just a quick FYI
I haven't posted once in Ming's most recent thread. They are all imposters.
Radikal Noise link added
Radikal is a mage who is well known and respected for his PTR duels. He made a PTR movie around the same times as Ming's. I really enjoyed that movie. It is much easier to follow than Ming's since it is all in first person and I personally enjoyed the music. He doesn't do really heavy editting, but the intro is nice and things move along very smoothly. This is the type of movie you want to watch if you are switching classes and want to learn and get some tips on how to play a WE mage against a variety of classes. The video quality is good so you can easily see what is going on, and the play is very technical.
The biggest complaint about Radikal's movies on WCM is that he jumps to much:
"U JUPM 2 MUCH U SUK - rating 1/5"
He has a newer PTR movie out as well. I wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but it is in the same style as the first. A LOT of the opponents in both movies with be familiar to you if you have followed PvP movies for awhile. Ming, Unsouled, Akrios(Eviscerate), Dahis, Spoh, GC, Azael, etc. etc. IMO, it makes things a little more interesting when you are familiar with both opponents and you aren't quite certain which one of them is going to come out on top. (Although many of the outcomes I saw were somewhat predictable just from the class matchups themselves)
Again, if you are looking for some entertaining mage world PVP with some worthy opponents, then Drifting 3 is up your alley. If you are looking for a more technical movie in a clinical dueling enviroment for educational purposes then Radikal's movies are what you are looking for. He even gives fight-by-fight commentary for his more recent movie - something I got flamed for, but something which I think is appreciated by people looking to learn something about the class.
Not everyone is a vet, some people are fresh rerolls or players looking for tips. What's wrong with helping people? Information should be given freely and without flames, IMO.
Radikal's site also includes other important info for mages, such as gear changes or additions, an evolving strategy guide, and more.
Check it out!
The biggest complaint about Radikal's movies on WCM is that he jumps to much:
"U JUPM 2 MUCH U SUK - rating 1/5"
He has a newer PTR movie out as well. I wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but it is in the same style as the first. A LOT of the opponents in both movies with be familiar to you if you have followed PvP movies for awhile. Ming, Unsouled, Akrios(Eviscerate), Dahis, Spoh, GC, Azael, etc. etc. IMO, it makes things a little more interesting when you are familiar with both opponents and you aren't quite certain which one of them is going to come out on top. (Although many of the outcomes I saw were somewhat predictable just from the class matchups themselves)
Again, if you are looking for some entertaining mage world PVP with some worthy opponents, then Drifting 3 is up your alley. If you are looking for a more technical movie in a clinical dueling enviroment for educational purposes then Radikal's movies are what you are looking for. He even gives fight-by-fight commentary for his more recent movie - something I got flamed for, but something which I think is appreciated by people looking to learn something about the class.
Not everyone is a vet, some people are fresh rerolls or players looking for tips. What's wrong with helping people? Information should be given freely and without flames, IMO.
Radikal's site also includes other important info for mages, such as gear changes or additions, an evolving strategy guide, and more.
Check it out!
It's that time of day...
to check to see what is in the beta invite box!
NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! STUPID! You are so stupid!
I should have taken the red snapper. :(
NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! STUPID! You are so stupid!
I should have taken the red snapper. :(
Some Thoughts on Niar.
Niar stopped by the comments section a few posts back. It sounded like him, so I don't think it was an imposter. In any case, he made a good point.
You know, I was reading some of the EU forums earlier and Niar gets it far worse than me. His armory page speaks for itself, and the people at WCM love his movies. Yet, people still flame him for being "bad."
Ming's review of Niar's last movie contained this quote:
""Now when you actually watch the video, what do you see? A rogue in nearly full T3 taking out people in blues/greens in BGs, and a lot of those clips were 1v1. Gee, what exactly do you expect? Is your BG pool really that weak, that you can’t even find anyone with decent gear?"
When you compare that quote to Ming's sparkling review of Neilyo's movie, the hypocrisy is just ABSOLUTELY STAGGERING. On one hand they critique Niar's opponents, but on the other hand say that you shouldn't be critiquing Neilyo's opponents because it was an "entertainment" movie. Good dear lord. Such blatant hypocrisy. But, this is not a post meant to primarily slam Ming, but instead it is to support Niar.
Alot of people accuse Niar of being arrogant and of thinking he is the best rogue. I don't read the EU forums often so maybe there is something to it (I don't know), but a lot of people accuse me of the same thing... which, of course, I know is absolute BS. My guess is that Niar gets caught in the same exact trap I do. In an effort to defend his work and refute people who says he sucks, other people dishonestly look at what he is saying and accuse him of being arrogant.
Critic: You suck
Niar: No, I don't. Look at this and this.
2nd Critic: OMG, you think you are the best. You aren't the best!
I get that crap all the time. I bet Niar does too. It is very frustrating. All I can say is, take comfort in knowing that many of your most vocal critics are total hypocrites, Niar. And, for what it's worth I think you are a good rogue.
You know, I was reading some of the EU forums earlier and Niar gets it far worse than me. His armory page speaks for itself, and the people at WCM love his movies. Yet, people still flame him for being "bad."
Ming's review of Niar's last movie contained this quote:
""Now when you actually watch the video, what do you see? A rogue in nearly full T3 taking out people in blues/greens in BGs, and a lot of those clips were 1v1. Gee, what exactly do you expect? Is your BG pool really that weak, that you can’t even find anyone with decent gear?"
When you compare that quote to Ming's sparkling review of Neilyo's movie, the hypocrisy is just ABSOLUTELY STAGGERING. On one hand they critique Niar's opponents, but on the other hand say that you shouldn't be critiquing Neilyo's opponents because it was an "entertainment" movie. Good dear lord. Such blatant hypocrisy. But, this is not a post meant to primarily slam Ming, but instead it is to support Niar.
Alot of people accuse Niar of being arrogant and of thinking he is the best rogue. I don't read the EU forums often so maybe there is something to it (I don't know), but a lot of people accuse me of the same thing... which, of course, I know is absolute BS. My guess is that Niar gets caught in the same exact trap I do. In an effort to defend his work and refute people who says he sucks, other people dishonestly look at what he is saying and accuse him of being arrogant.
Critic: You suck
Niar: No, I don't. Look at this and this.
2nd Critic: OMG, you think you are the best. You aren't the best!
I get that crap all the time. I bet Niar does too. It is very frustrating. All I can say is, take comfort in knowing that many of your most vocal critics are total hypocrites, Niar. And, for what it's worth I think you are a good rogue.
Good World PvP Does Exist.
Adding on to earlier thoughts here. Yes, I still think that you really can't argue that you are more likely to find better opponents in the BGs in shorter time than you are able to find in World PvP. I don't think any reasonable person can really disagree with that.
However, that does NOT mean you can't find good world PvP fights. You just have to be incredibly more patient. When I got Chromed to L60 on Scilla I set out to make a world PvP movie. I mean, that is the whole reason I made Chromed to begin with. I wanted to make a glamourous World PvP movie. But, by this time BGs and the reward system was in full swing. There just wasn't much world PvP out there to be found. Of good quality anyway.
I spent two days ganking people on the Menethil Harbor boats. I had a lot of 1v2s and 1vNs (because of all of the lower level people adding in, heh) but when I went to examine the clips later closely what I saw were a bunch of people not fighting back or fighting back poorly. People who were AFK. People who just turned aimlessly doing nothing.
Let me tell you exactly when I gave up on trying to make world PvP movie. I spotted a L60 dwarf priest fishing on one of the boats, he had some gray 30ish toon standing next to him. If you recall, Chromed was using a prep dagger build that had blade flurry. So, I popped blade flurry, stealthed, and ambushed the dwarf priest. I oneshot both of them. The ambush and white hit killed the priest, the blade flurry damage killed the graybie.
I oneshot a L60 priest with a single ambush. The guy had no armor factor and around 2K HP unbuffed or something.
So, that is why the ICOBN series is almost entirely in the BGs (there are maybe a couple of world PvP clips in there).
The whole reason why I'm bringing this up is because a mage named Drifting contacted me and I went to go check out his blogsite He has some of his movies posted there so I checked out the most recent one. Rogue and mage movies have always been the most entertaining movies for me to watch and Drifting's movie delivers in a big way, IMO.
It's all world PvP, but he doesn't just fight clueless fresh L70s in here. He actually fights people on his gear level that know how to fight back. This is what a world PvP movie should be, IMO. And, I can fully appreciate the patience he had to display while making this movie. You can tell he was looking for good competition by the clips he choose to include. It must have taken forever to get this many good world PvP clips. Well worth the download, IMO. Highly suggested by Mi... erm, I mean Oozo.
I'll be checking out his other movies later when I get the time. BTW, I'm kind of thinking of doing a "blogs or movies of the day type of thing." Something similar was suggested by Drifting himself.
I'm thinking it might be a good idea because the other day someone mentioned "Raddy's blog" in that ugly Ming v. Oozo thread. Radikal is a well known PTR mage. (His first PTR movie was great, BTW. Better than Ming's IMO for presentation.) And, I believe he is working on or has just put out another PTR movie. Anyway, it took me forever to find his blog via a googling expedition. It might be nice to have kind of a central hub for blogs like that.
I'm not looking for a huge audience, of course, but just for people who might share my tastes and sense of humor.
Until later.
Oh, and be sure to check out Venick's blog for a rather interesting arena screenshot. WTG, Venick! Stick it to the man! ;)
However, that does NOT mean you can't find good world PvP fights. You just have to be incredibly more patient. When I got Chromed to L60 on Scilla I set out to make a world PvP movie. I mean, that is the whole reason I made Chromed to begin with. I wanted to make a glamourous World PvP movie. But, by this time BGs and the reward system was in full swing. There just wasn't much world PvP out there to be found. Of good quality anyway.
I spent two days ganking people on the Menethil Harbor boats. I had a lot of 1v2s and 1vNs (because of all of the lower level people adding in, heh) but when I went to examine the clips later closely what I saw were a bunch of people not fighting back or fighting back poorly. People who were AFK. People who just turned aimlessly doing nothing.
Let me tell you exactly when I gave up on trying to make world PvP movie. I spotted a L60 dwarf priest fishing on one of the boats, he had some gray 30ish toon standing next to him. If you recall, Chromed was using a prep dagger build that had blade flurry. So, I popped blade flurry, stealthed, and ambushed the dwarf priest. I oneshot both of them. The ambush and white hit killed the priest, the blade flurry damage killed the graybie.
I oneshot a L60 priest with a single ambush. The guy had no armor factor and around 2K HP unbuffed or something.
So, that is why the ICOBN series is almost entirely in the BGs (there are maybe a couple of world PvP clips in there).
The whole reason why I'm bringing this up is because a mage named Drifting contacted me and I went to go check out his blogsite He has some of his movies posted there so I checked out the most recent one. Rogue and mage movies have always been the most entertaining movies for me to watch and Drifting's movie delivers in a big way, IMO.
It's all world PvP, but he doesn't just fight clueless fresh L70s in here. He actually fights people on his gear level that know how to fight back. This is what a world PvP movie should be, IMO. And, I can fully appreciate the patience he had to display while making this movie. You can tell he was looking for good competition by the clips he choose to include. It must have taken forever to get this many good world PvP clips. Well worth the download, IMO. Highly suggested by Mi... erm, I mean Oozo.
I'll be checking out his other movies later when I get the time. BTW, I'm kind of thinking of doing a "blogs or movies of the day type of thing." Something similar was suggested by Drifting himself.
I'm thinking it might be a good idea because the other day someone mentioned "Raddy's blog" in that ugly Ming v. Oozo thread. Radikal is a well known PTR mage. (His first PTR movie was great, BTW. Better than Ming's IMO for presentation.) And, I believe he is working on or has just put out another PTR movie. Anyway, it took me forever to find his blog via a googling expedition. It might be nice to have kind of a central hub for blogs like that.
I'm not looking for a huge audience, of course, but just for people who might share my tastes and sense of humor.
Until later.
Oh, and be sure to check out Venick's blog for a rather interesting arena screenshot. WTG, Venick! Stick it to the man! ;)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Enough is Enough
Okay, I'm calling my own cease fire against Ming. I'm seeing things headed to a very ugly place there. It looks to me like there truly are people quitting Ming's website because of what is going on there.
My presence draws and incites the type of crowd that truly enjoys being disruptive and abusive, and Ming's mature readers and worthwhile readers will leave his blog because of these types of people. I mean, Ming's following there has always been on the immature side, but man... I just set these people off. They can't beat me intellectually, so they have to start acting like chimps and fling shit around everywhere.
Or maybe... they really are Scientologists...
/flings shit across the room
Nope, they are chimps.
Anyway, as much as I dislike Ming I am not so mean-spirited where I would wish his business venture to fail. I just can't help but think that if the people who are going to back him were to see his blog replies that they would pull support. I mean, I would.
Please don't call me out on your blog again, Ming. I mean if you post crap up there that is false about me I will come and defend myself. But I hope to God you can see by now that my presence is not healthy for your blog. I am giving honest-to-God good advice here. Try to salvage your mature and worthwhile readers. Drama shitstorms draw in exactly the crowd you do not want to have to cater to. And for God's sake, do something about letting a person secure his identity on your blog.
My presence draws and incites the type of crowd that truly enjoys being disruptive and abusive, and Ming's mature readers and worthwhile readers will leave his blog because of these types of people. I mean, Ming's following there has always been on the immature side, but man... I just set these people off. They can't beat me intellectually, so they have to start acting like chimps and fling shit around everywhere.
Or maybe... they really are Scientologists...
/flings shit across the room
Nope, they are chimps.
Anyway, as much as I dislike Ming I am not so mean-spirited where I would wish his business venture to fail. I just can't help but think that if the people who are going to back him were to see his blog replies that they would pull support. I mean, I would.
Please don't call me out on your blog again, Ming. I mean if you post crap up there that is false about me I will come and defend myself. But I hope to God you can see by now that my presence is not healthy for your blog. I am giving honest-to-God good advice here. Try to salvage your mature and worthwhile readers. Drama shitstorms draw in exactly the crowd you do not want to have to cater to. And for God's sake, do something about letting a person secure his identity on your blog.
Does Ming think Mexicans come from Puerto Rico?
"watching a ugly Mexican whacking people with maces"
Okay, that is kind of a semi-racist comment. Ming thinks orcs look like Mexicans for whatever strange reason. And this is not a one time only thing. He has referred to orcs as Mexicans a few times in the past. This next part is just hilarious.
"A 28/33 holy priest that you beat up in BG can get on PTR and spec discipline and send your toon all the way back to Puerto Rico"
Keep in mind, both of these comments are directed at my toon (the "mexican" orc whacking people with maces). . And, my "toon" is going to be sent all the way *back* to Puerto Rico. It seems to me that Ming either thinks Mexicans come from Puerto Rico, or thinks that Puerto Rico is a city in Mexico. LMAO. If so, that is too fucking funny.
BTW - I have a lot of imposters running around, obviously. Hopefully you can tell which ones are really me by the intelligence of the post.
Edit - Some people seem to be offended by the strength of my comments here, so I'm going to pull it back a bit. I'll concede that I could be wrong, however I do think I'm correct in my analysis.
Okay, that is kind of a semi-racist comment. Ming thinks orcs look like Mexicans for whatever strange reason. And this is not a one time only thing. He has referred to orcs as Mexicans a few times in the past. This next part is just hilarious.
"A 28/33 holy priest that you beat up in BG can get on PTR and spec discipline and send your toon all the way back to Puerto Rico"
Keep in mind, both of these comments are directed at my toon (the "mexican" orc whacking people with maces). . And, my "toon" is going to be sent all the way *back* to Puerto Rico. It seems to me that Ming either thinks Mexicans come from Puerto Rico, or thinks that Puerto Rico is a city in Mexico. LMAO. If so, that is too fucking funny.
BTW - I have a lot of imposters running around, obviously. Hopefully you can tell which ones are really me by the intelligence of the post.
Edit - Some people seem to be offended by the strength of my comments here, so I'm going to pull it back a bit. I'll concede that I could be wrong, however I do think I'm correct in my analysis.
PvE Servers vs. PvP Servers
As mentioned before I've played on both as a rogue so I feel I have some insight into this subject that some others might lack. I levelled Chromed from 0 to 60 on Scilla (PvP). During that whole time I got ganked once. It was by a rogue 8 levels higher than me when I was at 25% health, poisoned, and fighting a spider near the river in Hillsbrad. It was my own stupid fault for fighting out in an exposed area.
Once again, I got ganked once going from 0 to 60.
Playing a rogue on a world PvP server = EZmode when compared to other classes. All you have to be is somewhat intelligent in where and how you fight and be aware of your surroundings. See a bunch of dead MOBs laying around? OMG, there might be somebody nearby! Never fight in the same place for a long period of time. Move around. Pull stuff to out of the way areas that are hard to see. You can avoid fights you don't want and lay in to people you do want to fight as a rogue.
Now, on the other hand. If you are a nonstealth class and you levelled up doing world quests (rather than just instance grinding in complete safety). Then, you have my respect. You have probably been jumped numerous times by rogues and other classes while half health and fighting a mob.... and that shit... will toughen you up.
/hats off
But, for a ROGUE to talk like they are all badass just because they play on a PVP is absolutely 100% laughable. I'm talking to you here, Ming. Play a nonstealth class on a PvP server and then you can talk about how rough and tough it is. But, if you are a rogue, just keep your mouth shut IMO.
Now, with that said. Cross-server BGs mix PvE and PvP servers and I will freely admit that, overall, the better PvPers DO come from PvP servers. When I actually sit down to make my cuts, I'm surprised by how many people show up from Arthas and Mannoroth. I don't have the actual percentages, but it's significant. People on PvP servers tend to be better at PvP than people on PvE servers. I'm convinced of that.
That does NOT mean that there are no great PvPers on PvE servers. When I killed all of those PvP server players in the BGs, I wonder if their last words were something like: "How could this be? How.. could.. I have... been... killed by.... a .... PvE.... player..... gahhhhck."
Probably not, but the image of that amuses me nonetheless.
Once again, I got ganked once going from 0 to 60.
Playing a rogue on a world PvP server = EZmode when compared to other classes. All you have to be is somewhat intelligent in where and how you fight and be aware of your surroundings. See a bunch of dead MOBs laying around? OMG, there might be somebody nearby! Never fight in the same place for a long period of time. Move around. Pull stuff to out of the way areas that are hard to see. You can avoid fights you don't want and lay in to people you do want to fight as a rogue.
Now, on the other hand. If you are a nonstealth class and you levelled up doing world quests (rather than just instance grinding in complete safety). Then, you have my respect. You have probably been jumped numerous times by rogues and other classes while half health and fighting a mob.... and that shit... will toughen you up.
/hats off
But, for a ROGUE to talk like they are all badass just because they play on a PVP is absolutely 100% laughable. I'm talking to you here, Ming. Play a nonstealth class on a PvP server and then you can talk about how rough and tough it is. But, if you are a rogue, just keep your mouth shut IMO.
Now, with that said. Cross-server BGs mix PvE and PvP servers and I will freely admit that, overall, the better PvPers DO come from PvP servers. When I actually sit down to make my cuts, I'm surprised by how many people show up from Arthas and Mannoroth. I don't have the actual percentages, but it's significant. People on PvP servers tend to be better at PvP than people on PvE servers. I'm convinced of that.
That does NOT mean that there are no great PvPers on PvE servers. When I killed all of those PvP server players in the BGs, I wonder if their last words were something like: "How could this be? How.. could.. I have... been... killed by.... a .... PvE.... player..... gahhhhck."
Probably not, but the image of that amuses me nonetheless.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Response to Ming's Libelous Post
Of course, if your name is Oozo, who doesn’t seem to understand 1900 this late in the season is not what it used to be, who loves to gank mediocre rank players missing key cooldowns in BGs, who is afraid of real competition in arena and only plays PUG BGs, who plays on a PVE server, rogues are fine! - Ming
1 "1900 this late in the season is not what it used to be"
First of all, most of the footage for Oozo Lives was taken from well over a month ago. One of the warlocks I killed easily in that movie currently has a 2300+ 2v2 rating. Most of the opponents in Neilyo's movie are 1600ish rating and lower. 1600 this late in the season is not what it used to be, I hear.
2 "mediocre rank players missing key cooldowns in BGs"
And that is worse than ganking less than mediocre players missing key cooldowns in World PvP? Ming, World PvP is far weaker than BG PvP. It's not even a contest. There is no argument to be had. But, hell... don't take my word for it.
idk why people cry about bg scenes, a bg scene as long as your not being helped is more credible than a world pvp scene in chain/1vN killing because most of the opponets are more aware & alert about your prescence, and more willing to fight.
In world pvp a lot of the people dont even demount before they die or they are noobs going to 5/10 mans or autorunning while minimized / doing something else. - Neilyo

What can I say? I agree with you on this one 100%, Neilyo. I mean it's almost like you are talking about that 6.5K HP warlock you killed that didn't even dismount until he was almost dead, am I right?
3 "who plays on a PVE server"
I levelled Chromed 0-60 on Scilla, a PvP server. I later moved Chromed to Medivh to consolidate all my toons on one server. I had to transfer them to a PvE server because you can't transfer toons from PvE to PvP. I did this transfer after cross-server BGs came out. Also, I had many more toons on Medivh so it was much less expensive to move everyone there, anyway.
Cross-server BGs totally ruined any and all PvP community that Scilla had. World PvP became non-existant. Everyone was doing PvP in the BGs. Scilla, a PVP server, was for all intents and purposes just like a PvE server when it came down to PvPing.
But, none of that really matters much. I'm not sure if Ming is purposefully being retarded here or not, but cross-server BGs include both PvE and PvP servers. The majority of people I fight come from Arthas and Mannoroth. Look them up.
Isn't this "comes from a PvE server" just a hollow and childish insult anymore? I mean World PvP is the weakest variety of PvP you can get. Neilyo has got my back on this one and after watching his last movie, it's obvious he knows this from experience. Furthermore, the people you encounter in the BGs and the Arenas are a mixture of PvE and PvP Players.
Grow up, Ming.
4 "rogues are fine!"
Here is the libel. I'm going to quote myself from all the way back when I first introduced my last movie as Oozo on WCM and emphasis the key statements. This was posted way before any of the flames I have gotten recently. This has been my position throughout all of this time. You can see that many people have been flaming me based upon outright lies and distortions. Read, actually READ what I say here.
As far as content, I've always *tried* to find the hardest competition available to me. If I see a former R14 or some guy running around in gladiators I'm going to stalk them and try to single them out. This can be a very frustrating process. Sometimes I never get them alone. Sometimes I do but one or the other of us gets zerged during the fight. Sometimes I do and the GD battleground shuts down during our fight.
Nonetheless, I was able to isolate several R14s and gladiator-geared people for this movie. Now, these are not the best of the best. The best arena-geared people I fought in this movie came from around the 1800-2100 arena rating range with 100-200 points of resilience.
So, (in theory) they aren't the best... but they aren't complete slouches either.
It's not from a lack of wanting or trying that I don't have people with higher arena ratings in this movie. In fact, I actually isolated the team leader of what was at the time the #1 5v5 team in my battlegroup for a 1v1 while in WSG. That "fight" didn't make it into this movie, but it will make it into my next movie.
In any case, I didn't really have many problems competing with people in the 1800-2100 range of gear, in general. Sure, I lost some fights... but I won most of them.
I'm not saying their isn't a problem with rogues 1v1 in the high resilience game. I think there is. But, it doesn't seem to show up until the 200-300 range perhaps.
As far as rogues sucking in 5v5. Well, rogues have *always* kind of sucked in group v. group battles when compared to what other classes can do in those situations.
If you are curious about the guy I was referring to up there. The team leader of the #1 5v5 team in my battlegroup... He ran away from me. I had him isolated for a pure 1v1 and the best PvPer in my battlegroup (according to arena ratings) ran away from me to get help from his teammates. If you watch the intro of Oozo Lives (I know, I know.. the pain, the horror, it hurts! Please, stop the pain!) he is the guy running away on the horse. He's not going to be in my next movie, however. Because there is not going to be a next Oozo movie. At least not in this game...
Why do people think I point to Ming's PTR movie as the best "educational" TBC movie released yet? Do you think I would do that if I didn't agree with it's major premise?
Let me quote myself again:
I'm not saying their isn't a problem with rogues 1v1 in the high resilience game. I think there is.
Can I be any clearer than this people? Seriously, can I? If you think I've been running around everywhere saying "rogues are fine" you are either dishonest, or you have fallen for the lies and distortions that dishonest people have been spreading about me. You have been duped. You have been lied to.
I know I'm abrasive and sometimes I snap at people unfairly. And if that is the case with you, then I truly do apologize. But look at what I have to put up with? I have people flat out lying about me. Defaming me. Distorting everything I say at nearly ever turn. Yesterday, someone pretending to me posted on Ming's blog under my name. Then, not much later Pyrrho takes this fake quote which is NOT from me and puts it up on his blog to ridicule me. Look at my blog entry below for info on that.
And now, I'm curious. How many other places have I had someone impersonating me, assuming my name, and saying things that I've never said? Yes, I get cranky and yes, I start assuming the worst in people. Wouldn't you, if you had people pulling this shit on you?
"As far as rogues sucking in 5v5. Well, rogues have *always* kind of sucked in group v. group battles when compared to what other classes can do in those situations."
What I am saying here is that rogues DO have a problem in 5v5. But, that it is a deep-rooted problem that has existed for a long time and is most likely very difficult to fix.
Ming what you posted is libel. It is a lie of omission. It is defamation of character. Are you familiar with these terms?
I would like you to correct your blog entry to say that I think rogues are fine in the BGs and the non-high resilience game, but are not fine in the high resilience game and I would like you to issue a formal apology to me.
I'm not threatening a lawsuit here. I am not a litigious person. You might want to be careful what you say about others though, because you just might run afoul of someone who is.
I am asking this out of common courtesy for you to set the record straight. If you don't change it and apologize, that says all there needs to be said about your character.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Look at the bullshit I have to put up with.
Pyrrho has quoted an imposter of me from Ming's blog. That is NOT me. It is an imposter. How many would like to take a bet that the imposter is Pyrrho or one of his friends?
Let's see, making up an imposter to make a fake quote and then posting it on your blog as an avenue to ridicule me?
These are the people I'm fighting.
BTW, I fully expect that Pyrrho will eventually end up having to delete that crap to save face. But, hey guess what? I've already screenshotted it.
Pyrrho has quoted an imposter of me from Ming's blog. That is NOT me. It is an imposter. How many would like to take a bet that the imposter is Pyrrho or one of his friends?
Let's see, making up an imposter to make a fake quote and then posting it on your blog as an avenue to ridicule me?
These are the people I'm fighting.
BTW, I fully expect that Pyrrho will eventually end up having to delete that crap to save face. But, hey guess what? I've already screenshotted it.
Death is not the End
As I said before, I really quit Oozo about a month ago and starting working on levelling an old shadow priest alt I had sitting around.
What typically inspires me to make a movie is music. That might sound a bit strange considering how many people hate my taste in music. ;) I'll pop in some old CD on the way to work and catch some song I had forgotten about and think to myself, "man, that would be a cool song for a movie."
Well, a lot of times these songs I pop in and think would be great for a movie have female lead vocals or vocals that refer to females. I mean, playing a song where some eerie female voice repeats "Give me love, so that I can kill" would not really be appropriate for an Oozo movie. "GIB ME DA LUB, SO DAT I KIN GIT 2 KILLIN" Nah, it just doesn't work. So, I made a female alt with the intention of someday using her so I could use these songs that I like so much for PvP videos.
And thus was born Iwl. A female undead priest.
Over the last month I've been levelling her and doing PvP so I can learn the class. I decided to take clips I had from L66-L68 and make a movie out of it. Again, the main reason here was the music. If you like my taste in music (all 2 of you) then you will probably like the songs in the movie.
I posted this movie with no name recognition knowing that not many people are interested in subL70 movies but it's gotten some play with mixed reviews. Here is a typical bad review:
I'm not making that up, BTW. That is actually rating and comment from a PREMIUM Warcraftmovies member. That place really is a joke. If they had any serious competition that actually moderated and banned their members for making comments like the one above, they'd be out of business.
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be with WoW. I mean, if one of those beta invites comes in, I'm gone!
But, until then the plan is to keep on working on the SP. I'll probably do another movie or two with her if I don't get any invites.
Here is her first movie.
Death is not the End
What typically inspires me to make a movie is music. That might sound a bit strange considering how many people hate my taste in music. ;) I'll pop in some old CD on the way to work and catch some song I had forgotten about and think to myself, "man, that would be a cool song for a movie."
Well, a lot of times these songs I pop in and think would be great for a movie have female lead vocals or vocals that refer to females. I mean, playing a song where some eerie female voice repeats "Give me love, so that I can kill" would not really be appropriate for an Oozo movie. "GIB ME DA LUB, SO DAT I KIN GIT 2 KILLIN" Nah, it just doesn't work. So, I made a female alt with the intention of someday using her so I could use these songs that I like so much for PvP videos.
And thus was born Iwl. A female undead priest.
Over the last month I've been levelling her and doing PvP so I can learn the class. I decided to take clips I had from L66-L68 and make a movie out of it. Again, the main reason here was the music. If you like my taste in music (all 2 of you) then you will probably like the songs in the movie.
I posted this movie with no name recognition knowing that not many people are interested in subL70 movies but it's gotten some play with mixed reviews. Here is a typical bad review:
I'm not making that up, BTW. That is actually rating and comment from a PREMIUM Warcraftmovies member. That place really is a joke. If they had any serious competition that actually moderated and banned their members for making comments like the one above, they'd be out of business.
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be with WoW. I mean, if one of those beta invites comes in, I'm gone!
But, until then the plan is to keep on working on the SP. I'll probably do another movie or two with her if I don't get any invites.
Here is her first movie.
Death is not the End
Monday, June 11, 2007
Oozo Retires
They have hated me from the beginning. They hated me when I was killing Rank 13s and Rank14s with my Helm of Fire and auction house greens and blues. They hated me when I was killing Teir2 to Teir3 people with my PvP blues. And they hate me now for killing gladiator equipped opponents while not having any gladiator gear.
They hate me because they see me as a threat. The natural implication is that if I can kill these people, then they should be able to kill even better people without a problem. And, they hate that implication. Especially now, considering the problems the rogue has at the top teir.
But, why do they hate? I mean, I'm on the record repeatedly as stating that there are currently two different PvP games in progress. The high resilience/high rated arena game and the low resilience game. All my last movie showed was that rogue was fine in the BGs and 1v1s against people with mid-resilience or lower. I said this upfront when I released the movie. I said that my movie has zero reflection on the top level game. But STILL they came after me. They have to defame me, no matter what. You just can't have a scrub running around beating people in gladiator's gear. It's not right!
So, the 1900+ rating people who Ming was looking to recruit to his team all of the sudden turned into mediocre players... scrubs. I was ridiculed by multiple people for only being able to kill 1900-2100 opponents by "elite" rogues posting on alts. Why do you think they almost all post on alts BTW? Is it possibly an attempt to hide their scores in case things go sour?
The funny thing is this. Aside from Ming's PTR movie, Oozo Lives has the highest quality opponents by arena rating than any other rogue movie put out on the rogue forums. How f'n sad is that? All of those high rated rogues out there, who outgear me, who are better than me and not a single one of them has released a movie that has better opponents than I had in my crappy movie.... yet.
And, then Neilyo's movie comes (again apology to Neilyo) with opponents who are severely lacking except for one lone orc shaman. And it is proclaimed the "best TBC" movie by some of the very same people who flamed my 1900-2100 opponents.
The hypocrisy is just too much for me. Ming once flamed TBC movie makers for killing nothing but 6K HP Mages. Well, Ming... before you praised Neilyo's work did you take a look at the HP most of the mages in Neilyo's movie had? Yah, right around 6K HP.
I just can't stand the rogue community anymore. Sure, there are still some cool people left, but I get the feeling they are in the vast minority and the forum has been overrun by mouthbreathers who ridicule other rogues based on their armory page (except when it is one of their brethren, of course -- then armory results can be conveniently ignored).
To the rogue community, in general: You make me sick. You are not worth my time.
Oozo resigns, but will awaken someday in a different game and NOT as a stealth class which has a tendecy to draw far too many of the wrong type. It pains me to say it, but Mute... was right.
They hate me because they see me as a threat. The natural implication is that if I can kill these people, then they should be able to kill even better people without a problem. And, they hate that implication. Especially now, considering the problems the rogue has at the top teir.
But, why do they hate? I mean, I'm on the record repeatedly as stating that there are currently two different PvP games in progress. The high resilience/high rated arena game and the low resilience game. All my last movie showed was that rogue was fine in the BGs and 1v1s against people with mid-resilience or lower. I said this upfront when I released the movie. I said that my movie has zero reflection on the top level game. But STILL they came after me. They have to defame me, no matter what. You just can't have a scrub running around beating people in gladiator's gear. It's not right!
So, the 1900+ rating people who Ming was looking to recruit to his team all of the sudden turned into mediocre players... scrubs. I was ridiculed by multiple people for only being able to kill 1900-2100 opponents by "elite" rogues posting on alts. Why do you think they almost all post on alts BTW? Is it possibly an attempt to hide their scores in case things go sour?
The funny thing is this. Aside from Ming's PTR movie, Oozo Lives has the highest quality opponents by arena rating than any other rogue movie put out on the rogue forums. How f'n sad is that? All of those high rated rogues out there, who outgear me, who are better than me and not a single one of them has released a movie that has better opponents than I had in my crappy movie.... yet.
And, then Neilyo's movie comes (again apology to Neilyo) with opponents who are severely lacking except for one lone orc shaman. And it is proclaimed the "best TBC" movie by some of the very same people who flamed my 1900-2100 opponents.
The hypocrisy is just too much for me. Ming once flamed TBC movie makers for killing nothing but 6K HP Mages. Well, Ming... before you praised Neilyo's work did you take a look at the HP most of the mages in Neilyo's movie had? Yah, right around 6K HP.
I just can't stand the rogue community anymore. Sure, there are still some cool people left, but I get the feeling they are in the vast minority and the forum has been overrun by mouthbreathers who ridicule other rogues based on their armory page (except when it is one of their brethren, of course -- then armory results can be conveniently ignored).
To the rogue community, in general: You make me sick. You are not worth my time.
Oozo resigns, but will awaken someday in a different game and NOT as a stealth class which has a tendecy to draw far too many of the wrong type. It pains me to say it, but Mute... was right.
Bizzaro World
And so it continues on the rogue forums. It's seems that people who care about arena ratings (when ridiculing other rogues on the forum) all of the sudden don't care about arena ratings anymore (when watching a rogue with a high arena rating).
He's got over 2300+ arena points! He's already proven himself! He doesn't need to put high rated people in his movie! His movie was good before he even made it, damn it! How do I know that? Because he has a 2300+ rating, idiot!
You know, maybe I stepped on a lot of toes here. Perhaps a lot of high rated rogues were planning on terrorizing the farmers on their server to make a movie out of it or something?
This quote was the best:
Uh, dude... the movie only had one 2v2 clip in it, the rest of it was world pvp and 1v1s? Anyway, here is how I read that quote:
Neilyo having a 2309 (peak? I don't know, I didn't look into it) 2v2 rating is enough to justify him being a good rogue.... and beyond that, well, it doesn't matter.
He's got over 2300+ arena points! He's already proven himself! He doesn't need to put high rated people in his movie! His movie was good before he even made it, damn it! How do I know that? Because he has a 2300+ rating, idiot!
You know, maybe I stepped on a lot of toes here. Perhaps a lot of high rated rogues were planning on terrorizing the farmers on their server to make a movie out of it or something?
This quote was the best:
How can you criticize his opponents when you don't even have an arena team.
Uh, dude... the movie only had one 2v2 clip in it, the rest of it was world pvp and 1v1s? Anyway, here is how I read that quote:
People just don't seem to get it.
I'm not saying my movie is better than Neilyo's. It was more entertaining, obviously, than mine. That is fine.
The problem is that there is a group of hypocritical elitists who slammed my movie by insulting the opponents I had in it.
"1900-2100 rated players are scrubs"
"ur opponents all sucked"
etc. etc.... and then to see THESE SAME VERY PEOPLE call Neilyo's movie "the best TBC" movie when he is a 2300+ rating rogue killing people he SEVERELY OUTGEARS and out matches is a bit too much hypocrisy for me to handle.
Fact: There are only two people in Neilyo's movie with a rating higher than 1700. The best player has a rating of just over 2K.
Why are MY opponents held to a higher standard than the opponents of a 2300+ rated rogue? THAT IS THE QUESTION AND THE ISSUE AT HAND. It's a simple question that the hypocrites don't want to answer.
"All you do is spam hemorrhage and eviscerate" - total bullshit, I use all my abilities appropriately. My openers are textbook.
Here is an opener I used in my last movie that I never see anyone do:
All I do is hemo and eviscerate, my ass. I guess the problem is that these so-called elites can't even understand what I'm doing when they watch my movies. I took way too much for granted by not including my combat box in my last movie. I thought people would understand what they were seeing. But, a lot of rogues simply can't tell what is going on by watching a movie. They miss details, and get things wrong constantly. Different openers and different strategies for different classes.
But, all they can see is hemo and eviscerate? They suck. Not me.
I'm not saying my movie is better than Neilyo's. It was more entertaining, obviously, than mine. That is fine.
The problem is that there is a group of hypocritical elitists who slammed my movie by insulting the opponents I had in it.
"1900-2100 rated players are scrubs"
"ur opponents all sucked"
etc. etc.... and then to see THESE SAME VERY PEOPLE call Neilyo's movie "the best TBC" movie when he is a 2300+ rating rogue killing people he SEVERELY OUTGEARS and out matches is a bit too much hypocrisy for me to handle.
Fact: There are only two people in Neilyo's movie with a rating higher than 1700. The best player has a rating of just over 2K.
Why are MY opponents held to a higher standard than the opponents of a 2300+ rated rogue? THAT IS THE QUESTION AND THE ISSUE AT HAND. It's a simple question that the hypocrites don't want to answer.
"All you do is spam hemorrhage and eviscerate" - total bullshit, I use all my abilities appropriately. My openers are textbook.
Here is an opener I used in my last movie that I never see anyone do:
All I do is hemo and eviscerate, my ass. I guess the problem is that these so-called elites can't even understand what I'm doing when they watch my movies. I took way too much for granted by not including my combat box in my last movie. I thought people would understand what they were seeing. But, a lot of rogues simply can't tell what is going on by watching a movie. They miss details, and get things wrong constantly. Different openers and different strategies for different classes.
But, all they can see is hemo and eviscerate? They suck. Not me.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Thoughts on the Tosan 4 (preview)
Tosan4 (preview)
This is in no way a flame directed towards you. You are very upfront about the type of movies you are putting together. You want quick, fast action. You admit that your goal is not necessarily to put tough opponents in or to show your skill. Hell, you even admit that the warrior in the first clip got on an alt and asked you to stop fighting because he wanted to farm elementals.
This is directed to the rogue community, in general.
Q u o t e:
PvP footage was excellent
The editting, pace, and action were all excellent but some of his opponents were extremely lacking. The first warlock only has 8300 HPs. That is absolutely horrible for a demo warlock. I've never seen a L70 warlock with that low of a HP pool. Now, the protection warrior did have 13K HP, but as mentioned above he was far more interested in fighting water elementals than other people. His mainhand was a 1.6 speed blue weapon and he had a max dmg range of 250 dmg.
The second clip has Tosan attacking the half-health warrior while he is fighting a water elemental and he gets cheapshotted by a rogue. That rogue goes down amazingly fast. Yes, because the rogue only had 40% health when he attacked Tosan to begin with. Quite frankly, this scene would have never made it past the cutting room floor for any of movies because they weren't full health and one of them was fighting an NPC. But, it looks great with flashy editting.
Q u o t e:
Ganking in world pvp is basically the only way you can 1vN anymore nowadays with our sad dmg output compared to high HP :( Even bad players are hard to multi-fight nowadays cause we can't thistle tea triple backstab CB evis the first 1 to death lol ;P The good ole days!
QFT. World PvP is about the weakest PvP you can get (people who don't want to PvP, people in PvE gear not PvP gear). However it does open up the possibilities for 1vNs and string kills since they are weaker opponents.
Again, you are very upfront about this Tosan. It's the rogue community, in general, I'm disatisfied with (check my new sig!). Can't wait for the full version.
Addition: Needed to add this since some people insist on reading too much into things.
Saying that some of Tosan's opponents suck is not the same thing as saying Tosan sucks. Tosan has got skillz, IMO. <3
This is in no way a flame directed towards you. You are very upfront about the type of movies you are putting together. You want quick, fast action. You admit that your goal is not necessarily to put tough opponents in or to show your skill. Hell, you even admit that the warrior in the first clip got on an alt and asked you to stop fighting because he wanted to farm elementals.
This is directed to the rogue community, in general.
Q u o t e:
PvP footage was excellent
The editting, pace, and action were all excellent but some of his opponents were extremely lacking. The first warlock only has 8300 HPs. That is absolutely horrible for a demo warlock. I've never seen a L70 warlock with that low of a HP pool. Now, the protection warrior did have 13K HP, but as mentioned above he was far more interested in fighting water elementals than other people. His mainhand was a 1.6 speed blue weapon and he had a max dmg range of 250 dmg.
The second clip has Tosan attacking the half-health warrior while he is fighting a water elemental and he gets cheapshotted by a rogue. That rogue goes down amazingly fast. Yes, because the rogue only had 40% health when he attacked Tosan to begin with. Quite frankly, this scene would have never made it past the cutting room floor for any of movies because they weren't full health and one of them was fighting an NPC. But, it looks great with flashy editting.
Q u o t e:
Ganking in world pvp is basically the only way you can 1vN anymore nowadays with our sad dmg output compared to high HP :( Even bad players are hard to multi-fight nowadays cause we can't thistle tea triple backstab CB evis the first 1 to death lol ;P The good ole days!
QFT. World PvP is about the weakest PvP you can get (people who don't want to PvP, people in PvE gear not PvP gear). However it does open up the possibilities for 1vNs and string kills since they are weaker opponents.
Again, you are very upfront about this Tosan. It's the rogue community, in general, I'm disatisfied with (check my new sig!). Can't wait for the full version.
Addition: Needed to add this since some people insist on reading too much into things.
Saying that some of Tosan's opponents suck is not the same thing as saying Tosan sucks. Tosan has got skillz, IMO. <3
Friday, June 1, 2007
Why I hate people (reason #346)
Being a KB-vulture isn't exclusive to the rogue class. All classes have their talentless, no skill asshats. However, stealth and sprint makes it a bit easier for a rogue or feral druid to do it than some other classes.
I have literally had rogues and druids burn a sprint just so they could have that chance at an oh-so-important KB, heh. They are literally the bane of my existence and I hate them with a #@$ing passion. They have ruined so many good clips out of their pointless need to be at the top of the killboard it makes me want to rip their heads off IRL.
Just kidding... of course.
For the HQ version: hate.wmv
For those not wanting to d/l the HQ version, that is my L67 shadow priest against this warlock: Nicsnock
That same druid did that to me twice in a row. The other fight was a 70 mage. In fact, the whole day so far has had fights ruined by druids and hunters. No rogues though!
I have literally had rogues and druids burn a sprint just so they could have that chance at an oh-so-important KB, heh. They are literally the bane of my existence and I hate them with a #@$ing passion. They have ruined so many good clips out of their pointless need to be at the top of the killboard it makes me want to rip their heads off IRL.
Just kidding... of course.
For the HQ version: hate.wmv
For those not wanting to d/l the HQ version, that is my L67 shadow priest against this warlock: Nicsnock
That same druid did that to me twice in a row. The other fight was a 70 mage. In fact, the whole day so far has had fights ruined by druids and hunters. No rogues though!
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