Of course, if your name is Oozo, who doesn’t seem to understand 1900 this late in the season is not what it used to be, who loves to gank mediocre rank players missing key cooldowns in BGs, who is afraid of real competition in arena and only plays PUG BGs, who plays on a PVE server, rogues are fine! - Ming
1 "1900 this late in the season is not what it used to be"
First of all, most of the footage for Oozo Lives was taken from well over a month ago. One of the warlocks I killed easily in that movie currently has a 2300+ 2v2 rating. Most of the opponents in Neilyo's movie are 1600ish rating and lower. 1600 this late in the season is not what it used to be, I hear.
2 "mediocre rank players missing key cooldowns in BGs"
And that is worse than ganking less than mediocre players missing key cooldowns in World PvP? Ming, World PvP is far weaker than BG PvP. It's not even a contest. There is no argument to be had. But, hell... don't take my word for it.
idk why people cry about bg scenes, a bg scene as long as your not being helped is more credible than a world pvp scene in chain/1vN killing because most of the opponets are more aware & alert about your prescence, and more willing to fight.
In world pvp a lot of the people dont even demount before they die or they are noobs going to 5/10 mans or autorunning while minimized / doing something else. - Neilyo

What can I say? I agree with you on this one 100%, Neilyo. I mean it's almost like you are talking about that 6.5K HP warlock you killed that didn't even dismount until he was almost dead, am I right?
3 "who plays on a PVE server"
I levelled Chromed 0-60 on Scilla, a PvP server. I later moved Chromed to Medivh to consolidate all my toons on one server. I had to transfer them to a PvE server because you can't transfer toons from PvE to PvP. I did this transfer after cross-server BGs came out. Also, I had many more toons on Medivh so it was much less expensive to move everyone there, anyway.
Cross-server BGs totally ruined any and all PvP community that Scilla had. World PvP became non-existant. Everyone was doing PvP in the BGs. Scilla, a PVP server, was for all intents and purposes just like a PvE server when it came down to PvPing.
But, none of that really matters much. I'm not sure if Ming is purposefully being retarded here or not, but cross-server BGs include both PvE and PvP servers. The majority of people I fight come from Arthas and Mannoroth. Look them up.
Isn't this "comes from a PvE server" just a hollow and childish insult anymore? I mean World PvP is the weakest variety of PvP you can get. Neilyo has got my back on this one and after watching his last movie, it's obvious he knows this from experience. Furthermore, the people you encounter in the BGs and the Arenas are a mixture of PvE and PvP Players.
Grow up, Ming.
4 "rogues are fine!"
Here is the libel. I'm going to quote myself from all the way back when I first introduced my last movie as Oozo on WCM and emphasis the key statements. This was posted way before any of the flames I have gotten recently. This has been my position throughout all of this time. You can see that many people have been flaming me based upon outright lies and distortions. Read, actually READ what I say here.
As far as content, I've always *tried* to find the hardest competition available to me. If I see a former R14 or some guy running around in gladiators I'm going to stalk them and try to single them out. This can be a very frustrating process. Sometimes I never get them alone. Sometimes I do but one or the other of us gets zerged during the fight. Sometimes I do and the GD battleground shuts down during our fight.
Nonetheless, I was able to isolate several R14s and gladiator-geared people for this movie. Now, these are not the best of the best. The best arena-geared people I fought in this movie came from around the 1800-2100 arena rating range with 100-200 points of resilience.
So, (in theory) they aren't the best... but they aren't complete slouches either.
It's not from a lack of wanting or trying that I don't have people with higher arena ratings in this movie. In fact, I actually isolated the team leader of what was at the time the #1 5v5 team in my battlegroup for a 1v1 while in WSG. That "fight" didn't make it into this movie, but it will make it into my next movie.
In any case, I didn't really have many problems competing with people in the 1800-2100 range of gear, in general. Sure, I lost some fights... but I won most of them.
I'm not saying their isn't a problem with rogues 1v1 in the high resilience game. I think there is. But, it doesn't seem to show up until the 200-300 range perhaps.
As far as rogues sucking in 5v5. Well, rogues have *always* kind of sucked in group v. group battles when compared to what other classes can do in those situations.
If you are curious about the guy I was referring to up there. The team leader of the #1 5v5 team in my battlegroup... He ran away from me. I had him isolated for a pure 1v1 and the best PvPer in my battlegroup (according to arena ratings) ran away from me to get help from his teammates. If you watch the intro of Oozo Lives (I know, I know.. the pain, the horror, it hurts! Please, stop the pain!) he is the guy running away on the horse. He's not going to be in my next movie, however. Because there is not going to be a next Oozo movie. At least not in this game...
Why do people think I point to Ming's PTR movie as the best "educational" TBC movie released yet? Do you think I would do that if I didn't agree with it's major premise?
Let me quote myself again:
I'm not saying their isn't a problem with rogues 1v1 in the high resilience game. I think there is.
Can I be any clearer than this people? Seriously, can I? If you think I've been running around everywhere saying "rogues are fine" you are either dishonest, or you have fallen for the lies and distortions that dishonest people have been spreading about me. You have been duped. You have been lied to.
I know I'm abrasive and sometimes I snap at people unfairly. And if that is the case with you, then I truly do apologize. But look at what I have to put up with? I have people flat out lying about me. Defaming me. Distorting everything I say at nearly ever turn. Yesterday, someone pretending to me posted on Ming's blog under my name. Then, not much later Pyrrho takes this fake quote which is NOT from me and puts it up on his blog to ridicule me. Look at my blog entry below for info on that.
And now, I'm curious. How many other places have I had someone impersonating me, assuming my name, and saying things that I've never said? Yes, I get cranky and yes, I start assuming the worst in people. Wouldn't you, if you had people pulling this shit on you?
"As far as rogues sucking in 5v5. Well, rogues have *always* kind of sucked in group v. group battles when compared to what other classes can do in those situations."
What I am saying here is that rogues DO have a problem in 5v5. But, that it is a deep-rooted problem that has existed for a long time and is most likely very difficult to fix.
Ming what you posted is libel. It is a lie of omission. It is defamation of character. Are you familiar with these terms?
I would like you to correct your blog entry to say that I think rogues are fine in the BGs and the non-high resilience game, but are not fine in the high resilience game and I would like you to issue a formal apology to me.
I'm not threatening a lawsuit here. I am not a litigious person. You might want to be careful what you say about others though, because you just might run afoul of someone who is.
I am asking this out of common courtesy for you to set the record straight. If you don't change it and apologize, that says all there needs to be said about your character.
I just want to put in caps here. "PLAYERS WIN PVE USE COOLDOWNS TOO". Theres a good chance if your looking for pvp clips in a pve (world pvp) area, they've been attacked in pvp or used a cooldown vs a mob.
Yup. Yup.
World PvP is fun but I agree with you that lucky 1v1 or 1vn in BGs is much better for quality fighting. On the one hand, fighting in a World setting is better from an entertainment and variety standpoint but it's basically just ganking people who aren't looking for a fight. You're ready for a fight in BGs, more like dueling only you may or may not have access to all of your cooldowns so BGs is a better test of your resourcefulness than dueling.
It doesn't surprise me, and I applaud you for that Neilyo quote you found, that these people (some of them, Ming isn't resourceful so I'm sure he does poorly in any non-duel situation or one where he's not getting heals) took this stance when it was convenient to do so. I've found, through any internet dispute, you will always generate a lot of frustration in them pulling a Dread Pirate Roberts and using their attacks against them.
They have no counter to what you're saying so their only choice is to go after you personally. That always happens when they either run out of logical loopholes or ways to discount your position in another way. That's what the Scientologists do as well to their critics. Hmmm....could Ming and Minti and the rest of their little Breakfast Club be Scientologists, you think?
Also, I'm in your BG, meaning you face Skullcrusher players amongst other tough PvPers. You've got nothing to be ashamed of.
Your BG clips > World PvP
*That's what the Scientologists do as well to their critics.*
You know, I saw some clips of them doing this to someone. It was amazing. Creepy as hell. Ah, here it is!
Man, what an amazing analogy. Dealing with these people is just LIKE dealing with these creepy scientologists. LOL.
LMAO. Funny, but GD creepy at the same time.
Oozo / Raggock (sp?) >> Ming
So much random flame going on these days - Ming is so clueless lol.
Wow thats too funny. Dumbest comebacks ever.
Holy CoS.
Oozo, you live in the US right? Good, because I wouldn't want you as my teacher right now.
In other news... Does WoW have more drama and idiocy compared to other games? I don't really see how a game like WC3 could have drama like this, since people could challenge each other easily and the game is really balanced.
Oozo, you just ruined my day with that video...
I never got involved with the CS community but was really into the Urban Terror mod for Q3A years ago. Same sort of drama on those boards.
I've been involved in numerous public forums regarding filmmaking and technical subjects and you can get very similar behavior. It's the psychology of anonymity. There are no consequences.
Ming is the Harry Knowles (Ain't it Cool News) of WoW by the looks of things. Fanboys are, by and large, the same all over.
"I'm not threatening a lawsuit here."
I can picture it now:
Oozo: I would like to sue Ming.
Attorney: Ok, over what?
Oozo: He said that I said rogues are fine in high-end pvp on his Warcraft blog, when really I didn't!
Attorney: .....
Hey man....this comment doesn't really apply to this blog but about this dramatic mess as a whole. I think you need to forget about it and move on because from what I've seen from these so called rogue superstars their comments and opinions shouldn't hold much weight. Don't quit the class, you have your own style and real players respect that more than the cookie cutter who hops on a 2k arena team as a filler and thinks he's good. And maybe for your next video you should put in a little Sinatra "I did it my way". :D
"I'm not threatening a lawsuit here."
"I can picture it now:
Oozo: I would like to sue Ming.
Attorney: Ok, over what?
Oozo: He said that I said rogues are fine in high-end pvp on his Warcraft blog, when really I didn't!
Attorney: ..... "
Of course, it's silly. BUT, I think you would be surprised if you looked into lawsuits like this. I mean, there have been a TON of silly lawsuits... that have been won. Probably not for something as trivial as this. But if you run a blog and start throwing around blatant lies about people you are running a very real risk.
Don't think internet libel suits are real?
"Don't think internet libel suits are real?"
You misunderstand, I know they are real and encourage you to sue Ming over what he said on his Warcraft blog over rogues in high-end pvp.
No, thanks. I've had my fill of lawyers in much more dire situations than this, already.
But, seriously. Ming had better be careful. You run across the right person who really doesn't care how goofy he looks taking something like this to a lawyer and you got a headache on your hand.
Lawyers and lawsuits are not fun regardless of how they come about.
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