Sunday, June 24, 2007

Busy Working on IWL2

I've been pretty busy the past few days recording material for Iwl2. I'm probably just going to keep on recording another week or two depending on how many good clips I can get.

I usually make my movies by music segments.

Here is one of those segments as a teaser. This is a L69 clip. Most of the movie will be L70 though.;7856675;;/fileinfo.html


(also - I'm going to turn pre-moderation off and see what happens. I'll put it back up if necessary)


Venick said...

I should film on a friends warrior. With a healer I mowed down like 10 people. One fight we did 2v4 like 3 times before dying. Craaazaaa.

Venick said...

Oh and to comment on the video, it looks great but, I don't find pvp videos from classes that just dot kill really that exciting. I mean I'm sure there is skill involved but its not as vibrant as other class videos.

Raggok said...

Yes, classes with a bunch of instant abilities and skills will just be more excitiing to watch. Playing the shadowpriest is actually pretty challenging though. The SP really only has two defensive and control measures. Silence and fear. Both are on a long cooldown and one is typically negated immediately leaving the SP defenseless quite often.

Having fun playing the class though, and it's good practice for the upcoming games that aren't going to have true stealth.

Doda said...

I enjoyed it a lot. I too have rerolled from the Rogue class except I took the warlock route. I find Priest and warlock the most interesting PvP videos actually. Especially when they player takes on 2-4 players at a time managing their dots and cc.

Nice video, I'm hoping to start one of my own once I near 70.

(On a side note, I never knew Undead females looked so bad ass when they are moving and jumping around in combat.)

Raggok said...

"(On a side note, I never knew Undead females looked so bad ass when they are moving and jumping around in combat.)"

Wait til you see their unarmed animations. :)

Unknown said...

What's the song called?

Unknown said...

oh and btw, sw:p rank 1 for blackout proccs when chasing or getting chased and for building up shadow weaving. also, I'd think some +FR would be nice on the PvP gear - but that's your call.

Akumu X said...

Looks good so far.

Raggok said...

The song is "Temple of Dreams" by Messiah.

Yeah on the L1 SW:P. My problem is that I'm literally out of hotkeys ATM and can't figure out a way to work it in comfortably without completely reworking everything. And, I really don't want to go through relearning hotkey binds at this moment. :/

Also, seems a little cheesy to me as well. IMO, L1 spells shouldn't work on L70s. ;)

Unknown said...

Awesome sneak peak. I had a shadowpriest myself when the level cap was still 60, and due to his gear, 1v2 and 1v3 was actually very doable for me. The big issue was mana, and from watching your video I can see you still have mana problems even with vamp. touch/embrace.

Glad to see you have found a class you like. The video was very nice, and your fears were great. Very well timed. I see you're more of an offensive player since you like to drop your fears early for the CD to refresh. I look forward to the video. Any chance of some arena footage?

Unknown said...

Cheesy doesn't exist in my PvP vocab - just like cheap and cheat.

I think I get what you're aiming for, concerning the development of your UD female personality. You might want to check out Ocedic 3 for more ideas (if that's even downloadable nowadays).

Raggok said...

"I see you're more of an offensive player since you like to drop your fears early for the CD to refresh."

Yeah, the first one is typically trinketed anyway. So best do get that out of the way early and hopefully last long enough to get off a second effective fear.

Kensai said...

Very fun to watch. Usually i dislike spriest/warlock/hunter movies because they lack action, standing at a distance and tab+dotting ain't no fun, but this one is different.

Sad to lose you as a Rogue, tho.

Raggok said...


I'd probably run around like a chicken with it's head cutoff no matter what class I play. :P

I'd say my playstyle with the SP is very aggressive and possibly suicidal. I love shadow word: death even when I kill myself with it. Makes for a lot of close fights when up against gladiator geared people where winning and losing is literally a roll of the dice.

I'll have several Challenger level arena people in the movie and a warlock with around 12K HP and 270+ resilience. Of course, not the best.... but much better than what I've got. :P

I don't win all of those fights. I'll actually be showing quite a few fights I lose.

Kensai said...

Mobility in a pvp movie is half of action, that's why i liked your movie so much, and SW Dance series too. The fact that you show losing fights only adds to the value of the movie, imo. It shows that A. You're fighting skilled opponents and B. you're not an egocentric maniac that only shows best of the best moves.

You've always shown what happens when things go wrong and your ability do adapt since ICOBN series and i respect you ever since. I like the fact that you do good on your spriest, only proves my theory that a good rogue is good with every class, simply because the rogue is the most complex class to play.

Looking forward to your movie :)