Sunday, June 17, 2007

Changes to Posting Permissions

Due to the recent spam attack and invasion of childish, crude, and dishonest posters from WoM, I'm changing permissions as follows:

This blog does not allow anonymous comments. Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.

What that means is that all replies will get moderated before being published rather than after. I can't keep my eye on this blog 24/7, so this has become necessary. My apologies to the mature and well-behaved people out there.

And, once again, for the record the vast majority of people posting as Oozo on World of Ming are not me.


Unknown said...

This is what I definitely will not miss when I go over to War, the damn twisted community.

Regarding War, already picked the class, the pure melee fighter, Chaos Marauder!

Cake said...

I subscribe on the Warhammer Online beta. But I actually don't know what I will pick as class.

Anyway, good point for you, Oozo. Too many people use comments and anonymous statut on internet to say bullshit all the way... Particulary sad and disapointing...

Unknown said...

happy you made this change, that last entry was taken off topic from the first post thanks to that crits retard.

the first vid of yours i saw was Beast and i loved it, it was funny and entertaining, which is all i really care about in a video of someone playing a video game. i'm sorry that the roguetards take this time sink so seriously.

loved the new priest vid and i'm looking forward to another one. also, you can add me to the people who love your music selections.

i'm also hoping for some beta invites as i uninstalled WoW. BC grindfest finally killed it for me. but i still love the good videos people create.

i love the idea you have about turning your blog into a place where you highlight new good videos and blogs, that's why i come back. don't let it get mired with roguetards.

Unknown said...

Thank goodness for the change Oozo. The comments in that last post was killing me. I'm downloading the nerf druid video now, I'll let you know what I think of your "best" pvp video recommendation ^_^

Unknown said...

Wow that druid did some amazing things. The 2v2 was great, especially that last fight against the druid and warrior. I can't believe they pulled through. Keep them coming Oozo!

P.S. At first I thought the intro was kind of corny, until I realized it was a joke. hehe

Unknown said...

Listening to the soundtrack from ND5 and I'm loving it. Great music and the idea to upload the soundtrack for a download was really smart IMO.

Sorry to here about the change Oozo. I've been reading these blogs but haven't posted yet, sorry to see that I'm starting now when things are changing.

Azgaz said...

Thanks for the support guys :D Didn't expect to see my movie in a rogue blog :D

Zhero said...

The nerf druid vid is very very good. But what I find even funnier is that you seem to be the guy who made ICOBN-series, from which ICOBN4 is one of my favourite rogue movies!

Tnx for that one, the music is so good and different from all other rogue movies, that you made me search the net for it :D
Besides that the fights are incredible!

Sorry for commenting on such old stuff, but i am glad i can give my remarks after all that time.

-- Kirosta

Raggok said...

"Thanks for the support guys :D Didn't expect to see my movie in a rogue blog :D "

I try to watch as wide variety of PvP movies as possible. It's a great way to learn and be entertained at the same time. :)

Thanks for stopping by. Excellent work, once again!

Raggok said...

"you seem to be the guy who made ICOBN-series, from which ICOBN4 is one of my favourite rogue movies!"

Yup, that's me. Glad you liked it. :)

In retropsect I should have levelled Chromed to 70 rather than Oozo, but the ease of making that damned Drakefist hammer seduced me. I actually enjoyed playing the dagger builds so much more.

Unknown said...

"Thanks for the support guys :D Didn't expect to see my movie in a rogue blog :D"

You're like what, 1/4 rogue? :P