As I said before, I really quit Oozo about a month ago and starting working on levelling an old shadow priest alt I had sitting around.
What typically inspires me to make a movie is music. That might sound a bit strange considering how many people hate my taste in music. ;) I'll pop in some old CD on the way to work and catch some song I had forgotten about and think to myself, "man, that would be a cool song for a movie."
Well, a lot of times these songs I pop in and think would be great for a movie have female lead vocals or vocals that refer to females. I mean, playing a song where some eerie female voice repeats "Give me love, so that I can kill" would not really be appropriate for an Oozo movie. "GIB ME DA LUB, SO DAT I KIN GIT 2 KILLIN" Nah, it just doesn't work. So, I made a female alt with the intention of someday using her so I could use these songs that I like so much for PvP videos.
And thus was born Iwl. A female undead priest.
Over the last month I've been levelling her and doing PvP so I can learn the class. I decided to take clips I had from L66-L68 and make a movie out of it. Again, the main reason here was the music. If you like my taste in music (all 2 of you) then you will probably like the songs in the movie.
I posted this movie with no name recognition knowing that not many people are interested in subL70 movies but it's gotten some play with mixed reviews. Here is a typical bad review:
I'm not making that up, BTW. That is actually rating and comment from a PREMIUM Warcraftmovies member. That place really is a joke. If they had any serious competition that actually moderated and banned their members for making comments like the one above, they'd be out of business.
I'm not sure how much longer I'll be with WoW. I mean, if one of those beta invites comes in, I'm gone!
But, until then the plan is to keep on working on the SP. I'll probably do another movie or two with her if I don't get any invites.
Here is her first movie.
Death is not the End
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Priest actually has enough depth to keep you interested?
Awesome stuff - keep it coming Oozo.
That WCM guy is just retarded. So what if you like techno - I bet he likes emo or something (OMG FALLOUTBOI AMIRITELOL?)
Anyway, good movie - inspired me to pick up my 60 priest =D thanks.
"Priest actually has enough depth to keep you interested? "
I know where you are coming from here. When you catch someone offguard, you pretty do the same attack pattern. However, it's more challenging when they see you coming, which is often. Some of the matchups are interesting. You really have to watch shaman totems, because they can totally shut you down. You have to be quick with your dispels on mages. At some point in this movie a mage frost novas me and goes for a quick ice lance, but I dispel first and the lance only crits for like 400 dmg.
Fighting another priest just seems totally unpredictable to me, again... this is all assuming you don't catch them completely offguard.
Nonetheless, the next movie I do (which will probably be all L69 stuff - I want to build up points for gear before bumping up to L70) I'm going to try to be really picky about what I put in the movie and concentrate more on 1vNs or fights that reall stand out in some way.
Agreed about the WCM ratings comments. Some of the guys there... well, I can't think of the right words at the moment.
Lwl? How is that even pronounced? I hate it when I see a name that I do not know how to pronounce.
Dude, make that three people who like your music. If I didn't already know that he doesn't play WoW I'd think you were an old officemate of mine who used to be a DJ in Detroit (Cyberpunk). I can't tell you how many times we'd be working late on a Friday and he'd start spinning some of these tracks at his desk since he had turntables on either side of his computer keyboard+monitor. For real. Stacks and stacks of 12" vinyl industrial and techno from the late '80s and early '90s.
Good luck with the SP! Keep'm coming!
"Lwl? How is that even pronounced"
Hehe, it's "i" "w" "l"
The cap "i" and the "l" look the same in the in-game font, so you get kind of an:
where the "w" is supposed to be scary fangs! Rawr! See? ;)
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