Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Eviscerate 5 released by Akrios


Akrios has just released his second TBC movie. This one is all mutilate, while the first was all combat. The intro is short, but looks good. In fact, the video quality throughout is topnotch. The music is good and not overbearing. Although it doesn't have my favorite type of music nothing about it distracts from the movie itself.

This video is made to entertain, so please keep that in mind and try not to over analyze. - Akrios
God damn it, and I had just gotten the anal probe kit out of the closet. /sighs and puts the kit back. :(

As far as content, it's a mixture of world PvP, BG/Arena PvP, and some 1v1 duels against a couple very tough opponents. This is what rogue movies need, IMO. A mixture. It needs those 1v1s against tough opponents (win or lose), not just 1vNs against people who are outgeared.

Akrios makes a few mistakes (nothing huge) in those duels, but that is what happens when you fight tough opponents who you aren't sure you are going to beat. Things get close, you get tense, bad things happen. Once again, bad players can not make good players look bad. Only good players can make good players look bad.

The duels are against a well-geared orc warrior and a resto shaman. The orc warrior is pretty damn tough and actually knows how to use his shouts. Showing a win and a loss is a nice touch, IMO. Oh, and what the hell broke that vanish in the second fight? I can't see anything. Akrios uses some grenades in the duels, but that is fine, IMO. Besides grenades and mutilate just scream for each other.

As far as I am concerned, this movie is a step in the right direction for rogue movies. My only complaint is that I would have liked to see maybe one or two more quality 1v1s against a couple of other classes. Hey, but making a movie that leaves people wanting a little more isn't bad.

Overall: nice job and hopefully this gets rogue movie-makers pointed in the right direction again.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Akrios is on a roll with these movies.

drK said...

hey man gj with he blog.

i didnt liked the movie >.> it looked kinda like the same shit, everyone has epics now its not even funny.

Neil said...

The movie was competantly made with crisp editing, but the problem is it's nothing any of us haven't seen a million times already. You really need to push the boat out with PVP videos and try for something extreme and new or no one is really going to be that excited about it. The last video I saw which made me think "jesus this guy is good" is Vurtne - although after watching his videos almost all of the others pale into comparison!

Raggok said...

I get what you are saying, Spurr. Maybe rogues just have kind of hit a ceiling on what they can get done for a movie without totally staging scenes. You mention Vurtne, but mages have some distinct advantages to rogues when it comes to making exciting movies. Better survivability (if frost and played well) and the ability to CC/damage more than one target at a time.

Neil said...

I distinctly remember you (in your 3rd or 4th movie, can't remember which) taking down 2 guys at the mine in AB before the GY rez timer ran down - that was another scene that had the "oh crap thats good" sense to it, after you blinded the rogue heading for you a split second after you see him in stealth. :)
One of my formative rogue movie moments!

Helm of fire ftw eh :P

Cake said...

Yeah, it is the 5th video "Cooldowns are for noob" :D

Raggok said...

Truthfully, the stars really have to align for you to get a clip like that. If that rogue had been a fracton of a second more aware or if he had been moving around (rogues should never stand still when guarding something - a moving rogue will almost always get the opener over a stationary rogue) then it just would not have happened. I was just lucky to have fraps on when it did.

It's like all those string kills you see. The people have to come at a certain pace. There has to be some breating room for the rogue to recover, bandage, or restealth somehow. If the people come too far apart then it's not a string of kills. If they come too close together then the rogue gets overwhelmed.

Luck is a huge part about getting those 'standout' types of clips you dream of.

Neil said...

Hmm, I know exactly what you mean. I made a couple of rogue pvp movies myself - getting quality clips is certainly time consuming and relies on luck. I never released the films on the official forums - just kept it as something for my little EU realm to watch - mostly people liked it because they saw their own names it, I feel!

- Zend

Unknown said...

After watching the video, I have to say I enjoyed the 1v1 duel with glad. gear opponents the most. I also like how he presented the duel with a quick informative screen of their name/gear. I wasn't too interested about the rest of the movie, but it presented variety to the action which made me enjoy the 1v1 duel much more.

I agree with your assestment completely, in that I thought the movie was too short and I would of loved for some more 1v1s vs tough opponents. I felt like the movie just kind of ended because there was no more footage, instead of the closure everyone looks for in the traditional intro/body/conculsion sturture of flim making.

I saw the mistakes he made aganist his opponents, and I resepect him so much more for showing me these clips. Most movie makers will totally edit out any form of mistake to make themselves look good, but we all make mistakes and the ability to recover from these mistakes is what the average player finds more movtivating then anything. To expect perfection 100% of the time is to set yourself up for complete and utter failure. Not to mention you will most likely be unable to cope/adapt to it because you have not given it any thought.

Again, another enjoyable video.