Thursday, June 14, 2007

Does Ming think Mexicans come from Puerto Rico?

"watching a ugly Mexican whacking people with maces"

Okay, that is kind of a semi-racist comment. Ming thinks orcs look like Mexicans for whatever strange reason. And this is not a one time only thing. He has referred to orcs as Mexicans a few times in the past. This next part is just hilarious.

"A 28/33 holy priest that you beat up in BG can get on PTR and spec discipline and send your toon all the way back to Puerto Rico"

Keep in mind, both of these comments are directed at my toon (the "mexican" orc whacking people with maces). . And, my "toon" is going to be sent all the way *back* to Puerto Rico. It seems to me that Ming either thinks Mexicans come from Puerto Rico, or thinks that Puerto Rico is a city in Mexico. LMAO. If so, that is too fucking funny.

BTW - I have a lot of imposters running around, obviously. Hopefully you can tell which ones are really me by the intelligence of the post.

Edit - Some people seem to be offended by the strength of my comments here, so I'm going to pull it back a bit. I'll concede that I could be wrong, however I do think I'm correct in my analysis.


Unknown said...

Lol. Dont get an orgasm. I read the article and didn't get the feeling he thinks Mexicans come from Puerto Rico. The only thing he thinks is just, that Puerto Rico is something fucked up, like Niar or a ugly Mexican.

Raggok said...

I don't think so, he keeps referring to my "toon." You see, Ming has referred to orcs as ugly Mexicans in the past. There was some orc a year ago or so who made a movie, and Ming said he looked like a Mexican, and I think he made another referrence like that more recently as well. Ming thinks orcs look like ugly Mexicans for whatever reason.

Now in that second quote he says my TOON (again, an ugly Mexican with maces to Ming) is going to be sent *back* to Puerto Rico. The keyword being "back."

Anyway, it would be BETTER for Ming that he is confused about where Mexicans come from. Because if he is saying "send you back to Puerto Rico" as if trying to say "send you back to some place that is fucked up" then that is *true* racism.

Unknown said...

Just don't tell a real Puerto Rican he/she looks/is Mexican. They do not like that. I speak from experience.

bjerv said...

OMG, even though I'm not a real fan of Ming's writing I can't belive this shit. You're sounding like one of those conspiracy-theory guys who tried to prove 9/11 was something that the US government planned. GJ!

Raggok said...

Yes, Hispanic people are generally very proud of their heritage and where they come from.

Raggok said...


There is a really good chance I'm right here. Think about it. It is logical and it makes sense.