I'm not saying my movie is better than Neilyo's. It was more entertaining, obviously, than mine. That is fine.
The problem is that there is a group of hypocritical elitists who slammed my movie by insulting the opponents I had in it.
"1900-2100 rated players are scrubs"
"ur opponents all sucked"
etc. etc.... and then to see THESE SAME VERY PEOPLE call Neilyo's movie "the best TBC" movie when he is a 2300+ rating rogue killing people he SEVERELY OUTGEARS and out matches is a bit too much hypocrisy for me to handle.
Fact: There are only two people in Neilyo's movie with a rating higher than 1700. The best player has a rating of just over 2K.
Why are MY opponents held to a higher standard than the opponents of a 2300+ rated rogue? THAT IS THE QUESTION AND THE ISSUE AT HAND. It's a simple question that the hypocrites don't want to answer.
"All you do is spam hemorrhage and eviscerate" - total bullshit, I use all my abilities appropriately. My openers are textbook.
Here is an opener I used in my last movie that I never see anyone do:
All I do is hemo and eviscerate, my ass. I guess the problem is that these so-called elites can't even understand what I'm doing when they watch my movies. I took way too much for granted by not including my combat box in my last movie. I thought people would understand what they were seeing. But, a lot of rogues simply can't tell what is going on by watching a movie. They miss details, and get things wrong constantly. Different openers and different strategies for different classes.
But, all they can see is hemo and eviscerate? They suck. Not me.
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*Disclaimer: I am a mostly talentless PvE Rogue that dabbles in PvP.*
Bummer, Ooze. I (and I believe many others) believe your movies are technically spot on, and use your movies to learn how to become better rogues. The openers, chains and how to deal with 1vN situations are classic. Even with your combat box and UI hidden, "Lives" is a great educational and entertaining movie.
Just like in commercial movies, sometimes all people want to see is one dude walking down the middle of the street blowing people up. Sure, it's entertaining, but no one takes anything away from it.
*wtb edit button
Meant to add that movies with geared up and ranked opponents are just plain higher quality. No one learns anything by watching someone mow through mooks.
IMO, the best rogue movie could be something like what Neilyo did BUT with better opponents for the 1v1s. Better opponents in 1v2s typically means you die, so I think that can slide. =)
If he had top 1v1 opponents from 5 different classes or so as well in there, the movie could have been a classic.
"Just like in commercial movies, sometimes all people want to see is one dude walking down the middle of the street blowing people up. Sure, it's entertaining, but no one takes anything away from it."
Yeah, that's fine and I have absolutely no problem with that. What irks me is the rank hypocrisy of overlooking the quality of his opponets while at the same time flaming mine, who were much better (according to their very own measuring stick - arena ratings).
I'm not a jealous person. I'm not an arrogant person. However, I am a person that simply can not stand hypocrisy and injustice. And that is why I felt compelled to fight.
Now, simple-minded people are looking at what happened and are thinking that I'm trying to tear Neilyo's movie down to prop mine up, which is about as far off as you can get. It makes me look like an ass, so that lie will no doubt get perpetuated since I am no longer on the forum to defend myself.
Well I think you did let some of the people on the forum get to you too much, but I do agree with the point you were trying to make. There are wildly differing standards for different players - perhaps Neilyo did get a free pass because he's nice and has "proven" his skills by attaining a 2300 rating. But (and this is having not seen the movie yet) what is the takeaway - just a few "oohs" and "aaahs" or are you getting an idea how to approach a difficult matchup. There are many movies that are all flash - big crits, mowing down suckas like mowing the lawn, but I think I look at these things the same way you do - some flash is fine as long as there's substance to back it up. That's what brings you back to really dissect a scene and see how they did what they did. That's what I liked about your level 60 movies - you were hemo when it was unpopular, but watching them you could always tell how you were doing what you were doing and there was usually good reason for it and positive results.
The problem with the way you tried to argue your point is that you forget that most of the people out there only care about the flash - technique doesn't matter to them, intelligence doesn't count - they just want to see the big numbers and watch someone with the gear they wish they had crushing opponents. American pop culture, more or less.
You mention playing a new class - what is that?
Oozo, as I see it your first mistake you made was trying to reason with people who make comments such as...
"1900-2100 rated players are scrubs"
"ur opponents all sucked"
Second, was letting the vocal members of the Rogue community get under your skin to the point of
"I'll go play some nonstealth class which takes more skill to play than a rogue."
There are alot of us who are NOT vocal on the forums who really appreciate your videos, specifically from the technical aspect of helping us become better at our class.
Take it from us, give up on the forums not the class.
Hey, thanks for the comments and support. I pretty much already switched classes to a shadow priest. There is a lot more behind the switch than just the events that have unfolded on the rogue forums though.
I'll post something here later today about it.
Since I pretty much agree with your views of the rogue community in general (as it has notoriously been...well...for lack of better a better word: moronic). The thing is, most people (even in real life) fail to actually read the argument itself. That was obviously the case in the 'drama' (how I love that word) that occurred on the forums or whatever. People thought you were bashing Neilyo or trying to say you're better, which I'm pretty positive you weren't. (Man I must sound like a moron telling you things you already know)
Anyhoo, I just wanted to talk to you about crap...I'd be lying to say that it wasn't rogue related at first (since as many people have put it, you're better than 'average' and I was curious about your last spec because I sure like dicking around with different specs...) but since you're not a rogue anymore (I'm not really sure if I am anymore either...I've been playing my Warrior more and more often now, 'SCRUB FRIENDLY' class ftw) I don't really care if it's just rambling or whatever.
Anyhoo, I don't really know if these comment board has any capacity to privately message (doesn't seem to) but I'd like to talk with you still ;P I swear I'm not as loony as most rogues.
~Enterre/Nibel - Bloodhoof
Sorry for the () and ... spam
"which I'm pretty positive you weren't.(Man I must sound like a moron telling you things you already know)"
I wasn't, but it's good to know that some other people realize that too. :)
I don't mind talking about my previous build, but it has some quirky things in it that I chose specifically for movies. I mean, I really wouldn't recommend it for anyone. For example, I intentionally chose not to have cold blood and improved eviscerate, because I didn't want to rely on some huge crit winning fights for me. Strange, yeah?
The build I used had zero-burst capability. It pretty much sucked for 1vNs and it's 1v1 weaknesses were well-geared classes that can turtle and heal indefinitely (resto shaman / some paladins).
On the other hand, one of it's strengths was warriors. Premed/Garrote/Shiv/5 pt Rupture. It was a really good opener on a warriors, also worked well on hunters. Of the non-dwarf varieties, of course.
I've actually seen one other rogue with a spec like yours
And this is not a bad spec. You just need to keep a real control on your ennemy. I learned many things with Oozo's videos, and it was really usefull when I tried with a 10/20/30 Hemo spec.
Damn, sometimes people are just so stupid...
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