Friday, June 15, 2007

Some Thoughts on Niar.

Niar stopped by the comments section a few posts back. It sounded like him, so I don't think it was an imposter. In any case, he made a good point.

You know, I was reading some of the EU forums earlier and Niar gets it far worse than me. His armory page speaks for itself, and the people at WCM love his movies. Yet, people still flame him for being "bad."

Ming's review of Niar's last movie contained this quote:

""Now when you actually watch the video, what do you see? A rogue in nearly full T3 taking out people in blues/greens in BGs, and a lot of those clips were 1v1. Gee, what exactly do you expect? Is your BG pool really that weak, that you can’t even find anyone with decent gear?"

When you compare that quote to Ming's sparkling review of Neilyo's movie, the hypocrisy is just ABSOLUTELY STAGGERING. On one hand they critique Niar's opponents, but on the other hand say that you shouldn't be critiquing Neilyo's opponents because it was an "entertainment" movie. Good dear lord. Such blatant hypocrisy. But, this is not a post meant to primarily slam Ming, but instead it is to support Niar.

Alot of people accuse Niar of being arrogant and of thinking he is the best rogue. I don't read the EU forums often so maybe there is something to it (I don't know), but a lot of people accuse me of the same thing... which, of course, I know is absolute BS. My guess is that Niar gets caught in the same exact trap I do. In an effort to defend his work and refute people who says he sucks, other people dishonestly look at what he is saying and accuse him of being arrogant.

Critic: You suck
Niar: No, I don't. Look at this and this.
2nd Critic: OMG, you think you are the best. You aren't the best!

I get that crap all the time. I bet Niar does too. It is very frustrating. All I can say is, take comfort in knowing that many of your most vocal critics are total hypocrites, Niar. And, for what it's worth I think you are a good rogue.


WHA73V3R said...

Clearly, you do not understand the retort of the day:

"Flair is something you either have it or you don’t. For example, when I put someone in a kidney shot, there is no real benefit to circle strafing all over him, but doing it makes it look good for the camera. Neilyo is simply a much prettier player to look at than you"

You see, when you kill newbs in greens, you have to do it with FLAIR . You are a scrub because your kills are not aesthetically pleasing, wait, it's because your arena rating is too low, er your equipment sucks, shit what I meant was you're on a PVE server, yeah that's it.

Niar must suffer from the same deficiency. Your toons just don't make his keyboard sticky...

Doomicon said...

You will get haters, ming gets haters. You will always get some assclowns posting flames. You cannot control these things.

What you CAN control is how you deal with it. Don't let it get you down, ignore the bad, and let people who enjoy your stuff, enjoy it. Who cares what others say about your movies, his movies, their movies.

This whole topic has honestly gotten to the point where it resembles a bunch of schoolgirls bitchin on the playground over who Billy likes. All parties included.

Implant said...

Ming named the title of that topic something like... Neilyo makes the MOST ENTERTAINING video post tbc. he didnt say the MOST SKILLED ROGUE EVER IN A VIDEO. you really need to get that into your head.

Neilyo is simply a much prettier player to look at than you

that is not hypocritical. thats an obervation and an opinion.

and seriously, his video rocked. it was very very entertaining.

Raggok said...

In a perfect world, Doomicon. In a perfect world. I just wanted to return the favor and show some support to him since we suffer from a lot of the same BS. It was something I should have done earlier, but overlooked.

As far as circlestrafing someone who is kidneyshot. It might have FLAIR, as you say... but I think it is smarter to stay behind them in case they know... like use a trinket or something. :)

Raggok said...

Whoah, whoah, whoah Implant. I really don't want to go through all of that again, but Niar clearly made his movie for "Entertainment" purposes as well and Ming did not apply the same grading criteria to him as he did to Neilyo.

Ming critiqued Niar's opponents heavily, but didn't even consider them in Nielyo's case.

And, this is just not a Ming thing, this is a failing of the rogue community in general.

Unknown said...

Warning: Huge wall of text incoming

Niar is a decent rogue, but I think the problem lies in that there is not much left that is "new" and "exciting" that can be added to a PvP movie. When WoW was still in it's 1.0 infancy (pre-2.0 patches and TBC), we marveled at mages taking on 1v2 and 1vN opponents and barely pulling through with 100hp. Then the rogues movie from minti, dahis, grim, nair and many others showed us that a skilled rogue can do the same thing with just as much flair, if not more.

There were so much to try, and world PvP, even if it was hard to find good opponents, was still a strong stable since guilds were still raiding and would come in doves to BRM at predictable times. I don't remember ever riding to BRM in my PvE gear. I knew it just wasn't safe. Felwood was also another war zone due to tuber gathering and essence of water farming.

However, all of that is pretty much dead now. There is nothing to marvel at anymore, because we've seen it all. It's like watching the Matrix. When you saw the first Matrix, it blew your mind away. You have never seen people fighting in slow motion with the camera spinning around them. The flips and what seem like endless action sequence grew pretty goddamn boring by the time the Matrix 3 came around. That leaves us where we are now, and after seeing neo beat the crap out of 40 agent smiths, do I really want to watch another scene of him fighting yet another agent? Not really, but those two ghost guys were pretty damn cool. You know why, because it's the first time I've seen them and they did some really cool stuff.

This is where movies, and anime, can keep our interest where PvP videos can't. In the movies/anime, there are always cooler bad guys, better, more powerful attack, and a new love interest with a nice rack. WoW pvp for the most part though, is static. Will you ever encounter a "new" class that is so cool and exciting to fight against? Will you ever gain super powers so great that when you release it, all of the anime girl short skirts fly up in the air? No…not really, all you ever get is more equipment, and the endless grind for that equipment.

All that leaves us is how a PvP video is presented. The editing, the music/theme, and any humor that can be added are what people are really enjoying, even if they don’t really know it. Of course content plays a big part in that, but if you fraps enough fight, you are bound to get some that are note worthy. Movie makers who are good at providing an overall enjoyable experience will get the praise, even if they really did nothing new. Think of the movie Batman Returns here. It provided nothing new, and everyone knows the story of Batman. He's been around for a good 30 years now. However, the presentation was what made it a step above and returned the Batman series to a respectable level where pretty much the 4 previous Batman movies were utter failures. Just think of all those movie trailers you ever saw, and you will no doubt come across one where there were multiple versions of the trailer for the same movie. Yet one would wow you so much more then the next, due to its choice of music, clips or narrative.

Anyways, sorry for the huge wall of text I posted in your comment section. I hope it provides some of your readers an interesting follow up to your article. I’m also really glad to see you stay on the positive side of things. What you’re doing with the blog linking is really nice, as it builds a community where we can see a much wider spectrum of opinions then just the narrow mindedness of WoM. Keep it up Oozo!

Raggok said...

Well, Lorr. That was truly an excellent post. I can't really argue against much of that.

I mean, I really liked Tosan's movies and he didn't exactly go out to seek the toughest opponents However, I'm confident he would do fine against such opponents. BTW, I'm also confident that Neilyo would do fine against such opponents *gasp*. It's just that... I want to see it, that's all. I want to see those epic types of fights where I'm not sure who is going to win or lose.

We all know Batman is going to win!

Anyway, a lot of excellent points that I'm going to have to mull over.

WHA73V3R said...

Yo, Imp, here's some light reading. I'm talking about the entry which Ming titles:

"Get In The Arena Or Don’t Expect Recognition"

I'm not exactly sure how that fits in with the argument about how your character has to give Ming a hardon or it's crap.

I'm not sure how these comments:

"So, to all the video producers out there, there is no excuse allowed for having anything less than a top 40 rating in your battlegroup (that is first two pages of the armory, weekly fluctuations are acceptable), in at least one bracket." into the whole argument about aesthetics either. It's like a big ass non sequitur.

Oozo, you're a scrub, you have no arena rating. Niar's videos suck because his opponents have shitty arena ratings. This video over here of one of my buddies ganking greens with low arena ratings is the best thing since sliced bread though because it makes me want to jack (human female rogues are hawt!)...which, incidentally is why I click some of my hotkeys.

Where the fuck does this flair crap come from and how does it fit into the whole unskilled scrub diatribe?

Torrent said...

It's a bit more complex than how you're describing it (at least I think so). At the time Niar's video was released, Ming was filming for his PTR video. I spent a lot of time on the PTR and I sort of agreed with Ming's thoughts on Niar's video. Having dueled Chadwick and Radikal and then watching the mage duel in Niar's video, I was very disappointed in the difference in skill.

Also, Niar is really cocky. He publicly attacked people on PVP servers and a lot of the top US rogues by calling them scrubs. Is it really surprising that he gets a lot of negative criticism, when he provokes it in the first place?

Raggok said...

As I mentioned, I don't have the full backstory on it so I can't really pass judgement one way or the other.

Perhaps the treatment is fully warranted.

Then again, I think I'm fully misunderstood by a whole bunch of people based upon clips and outtakes of things I've said when not taken in the proper context. And, I could see something like that happening to Niar as well.

So, personally - I'm going to take an innocent until proven guilty approach with this one.

Thanks for the reasoned comments, even if our opinions differ. :)

GrassHopper said...

Your videos are garbage, and your gear is worse. Throw another tantrum plz